2021-11-15 Publishing Interest Group Agenda and Meeting Notes


Nov 16, 2021


  • @Jaime Ding (Unlicensed)

  • Matt Martin

  • Pam Kruger

  • David Walker

  • Kyle Morgan

  • Marco Ruiz

  • Alyssa Loera

  • Danielle Daugherty

  • Robert Browder

Discussion topics







Intro Song




  • no December meeting

  • Open Publishing Fest

  • Environmental Scan Report (internal doc) draft will be done by Jan meeting!

Website Updates




  • COLD updates? Sustainability is up in the air.

  • Thursday Jan 13 @ 2pm.

Library Publishing Workflows Project (Tentative!)

Robert / discussion with all


  • Journal publishing workflows, a collective of North American library publishers

  • Stakeholders? Who is this publishing group for?

  • Scholars? vs Publishers? What are these individuals jobs? (Who should be in charge of this apparatus of publishing?)

    • scholars - free reign

    • publishers - limitations but needs to make some decisions

    • library are somewhere between

  • https://www.alastore.ala.org/content/scholarly-communications-cookbook - student scholarship is easier to support in book form, with a beginning and end.

    • Word/gdoc composed, and had in class peer review process, and then loaded onto PressBooks. (Open Source Branch of WordPress, which has a lot of economic efficiency) - final export with PDFs, with student workers in department. (no transparency in peer review/editorial process)

    • Lived on a vendor hosted website: https://publishing.vt.edu/site/books/series/virginia-tech-student-publications/ (https://publishing.vt.edu/site/books/ ) vs an internally hosted website

    • had faculty mentor, usually as a part of a class. (faculty in capstone classes/projects, for ex., have copyediting rights potentially)

    • library shouldn’t be holding the bag for editorial quality for expertise. (faculty needs to be around to supervise most likely)

    • Products are all from student quality materials, but with some library editorial type of materials.

  • Robert’s thoughts with the project: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1OSye_X6qIC-Cc5dyQwhCxK5KAjesenwU_lWh7bkv2UU/edit

  • Workflow is like infrastructure with pain points, but what about what the library as a publisher?

    • (KM) library is a place of production and creation vs just a place of access. The students are the stakeholders, gaining value for publishing in broadest strokes possible (makerspace, digital media expert for things like podcasts) another form of literacy. Critical to their knowledge and learning

    • https://librarypublishing.org/resources/ethical-framework/ jd is on taskforce for 2.0, thinking about a viewpoint for specific stake holders and why libraries as publishers should exist.

    • Libraries should be on the creation side of the scholarly communication lifecycle!!

  • Publishing roles are all over the place, not necessarily a general role, so naming can be a little bit confusing. (Boundaries are different for digital publishing specialist, or otherwise.) All based on resources.

    • Conversations showed how unique each (digital?) publisher was. Happened during/after the creation of the workflows.

    • Brandon created these workflows, from interviews from each of the publishers to create the diagrams post conversations. (Had a peer review process, across institutions - feedback about the flows to make it simple and solidify the workflows of each institution.)

    • vendors give expandable capacity, more than our own capacities. They also have different priorities, and have sub-optimal.

Action items
