2019-08-22 Meeting notes


Aug 22, 2019


  • @Joseph Adkins (Unlicensed) @Joe Gerdeman (Unlicensed) @Mallory DeBartolo (Unlicensed) @Isabel Mascorro (Unlicensed) @Natalya Magazino (Unlicensed) @Karla Salinas (Unlicensed)

  • Absent= @Meghann Brenneman (Unlicensed)

  • Today’s Scribe: Isabel


  • Recap of ULMS Summer Meeting Group Meeting: What is best way to bring 16 week loan period idea to ULMS Steering and then to COLD?

  • Tip Bot content creation recap: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1YeIumAWn6QsggPQDsim2gjrZwzXCkNqupr7B-KRSG2w/edit#gid=0 Are we ready to go live with TipBot?

  • CSU+ Item Condition Policy: Officially approved? One complaint was about communication and should be addressed. Print templates are 99% ready.

  • Lost CSU+ Items: How do we deal with books that never get returned but aren’t considered lost and paid?

  • Resource Sharing Completed Request Cleanup: How to do it and why.

  • Fiscal Year Statistics: Is Resource Sharing - Analytics & Assessment Joint Task Force still a thing? Not all stats (articles and some people’s ILLiad books) can be collected centrally so we still need a system-wide stats collection project. I think this project should be run out of I-SPIE TV Statistics Station with Natalya and Meghann (and even Nikki or anyone else who was/is on the RSA&AJTF if they want to be involved) running the number gathering and data presentation operations.

  • Workflow Profiles: Chris, Astra and Meghann were to explore this. Don’t know what came of it. A question came from an I-SPIEer using NCIP about their borrowing books languishing in Returned Item to Partner status. Is it possible to make a workflow profile for ILLian NCIP users that skips to a Completed status when returned in Alma?

  • Any other ideas if there is time. Feel free to add items to this agenda list if you have any.


Discussion topics










Recap of ULMS Group Meeting


  • During the summer meeting customizing ALMA letter notifications was discussed. RSFC will look into customizing email notifications in ALMA. Review presentation from ELUNA conference that went over customizing campus letters.




  • Develop a training curriculum based off task that people would like to learn how to do.


16 week loan period

@Joseph Adkins (Unlicensed)

  • Have an episode of CSU+ You on I-SPIE TV to get feedback from our community about extending the loan period for CSU+ items.




  • There is some confusion about loan periods for walk in patrons. How long is the loan period for walk in patrons? Does it vary campus to campus?


Tip Bot content

@Joseph Adkins (Unlicensed)

  • Review and make improvements on tips that are listed so we can go live. We’ll be asking our colleagues for recommendations on other tips.




  • Add tip- Are people signed up for all the Listserves that we are using to communicate?


CSU+ Item Condition Policy

@Joseph Adkins (Unlicensed)

  • Approved! We will be going live with our new templates with the item condition box as soon as they are uploaded.




  • RSFC will be communicating with everyone through I-SPIE TV and various other channels. RSFC will use these channels to inform/receive feedback from colleagues.


Lost CSU+ Items

@Mallory DeBartolo (Unlicensed)

  • What should we do with items that haven't been returned after a certain amount of time? What is the time frame that we should be doing something about it? After 90 days items that are overdue are less likely to be returned.




  • Lost CSU+ items document that is posted on the wiki suggest that items that are overdue should be marked as “lost” after a particular time frame. Share with others that this information is posted on the wiki.


Resource Sharing Completed Request Cleanup: How to do it and why.

@Mallory DeBartolo (Unlicensed)

  • Configure a job to run automatically. What is the end with our CSU+ request? Do we need to do anything to request once request reach a “Request Completed” status? What is the impact of the job?

  • Resource Sharing request clean up job

  • Get feedback from colleagues.


Fiscal Year Statistics

@Joseph Adkins (Unlicensed)

  • Statistics station on I-SPIE TV will present fiscal year stats and share with others. @Natalya Magazino (Unlicensed) will be working with @Meghann Brenneman (Unlicensed) and @Joseph Adkins (Unlicensed).



@Mallory DeBartolo (Unlicensed) @Joseph Adkins (Unlicensed)

  • Perhaps we should share with groups outside of access services.

Action items

Review ELUNA presentation on how to customize letters in ALMA.
Create training/curriculum schedule for things that people would like to learn.
@Natalya Magazino (Unlicensed) Post 2 CSU+ tips of the week
Review Tip Bot content @Isabel Mascorro (Unlicensed)@Natalya Magazino (Unlicensed)@Karla Salinas (Unlicensed)@Joe Gerdeman (Unlicensed)@Mallory DeBartolo (Unlicensed)
Publicize Lost CSU+ Items and what to do with items.
Investigate how to turn on job to cleanup completed request. Illiad NCIP
@Natalya Magazino (Unlicensed) will reach out to @Meghann Brenneman (Unlicensed) to look into fiscal statistics.