ERM Task Force Meeting January 31, 2017

ERM meeting to discuss the 2017 Goal and Status Update

Link to Meeting on Dropbox.

Meeting Agenda and notes:

ERM Task Force Meeting January 31, 2017


  • Clean house:  ULMS Team would like the policy cleaned up.  ERM has one policy so remove the small statements from the procedure pages.
    • Remove policy statements from each document and call them procedures and best practices. 
    • Introduction page is now the main policy page
    • Clear up the introduction page and call it the policy page 
    • Due February 16??? (before COLD meeting)
    • Model 2 and 3 procedures for SDLC
      • Model 2 is finished and SDLC is testing the procedures
      • Update on Goals and Objectives:  Where are we?  Fill in status report for February 3rd
        • On track for our due dates.  Moved the ebook clarification to a date in March.
        • Michelle and Greg are going to see if they can work with Moon on creating a sample workflow for Model 1 ERM/ACQ.
          • Lisa sent Michelle a workflow they use at CSUS
          • Try to match up our goals with the various ExL due dates, i.e. P2E and Health Check List
          • Added a new goal due in February, a SFX readiness document to guide libraries in preparing for the migration
            • One final clean up
            • Also included the SFX Freeze and migration dates
            • Ideas about options to Coded Memos-anyone seen a way to use Alma to replace coded memos
              • Quick discussion to keep in mind if we can find a new way to do coded memos
              • Moving workflow ERM/ACQ chart for later date TBD