E-book packages: meetings, notes and resources




in Progress


@Stacy Magedanz (Unlicensed)

@Christopher Bulock (Unlicensed)

@Christine Holmes (Unlicensed)

@Lisa Roberts (Unlicensed)

@Michelle Swadish (Unlicensed)

Ying Liu


See: Policy for e-books

Due date

Apr 28, 2017


@Jessica Hartwigsen 


Background and Recommendations

Decide to migrate e-book e-resources/collections from SFX or migrate e-book bib records from library catalog and link to the NZ Master Record.  How the e-book collection is migrated will affect the display in Primo search results.  Also how the items are edited and maintained will be affected by the type of record in Alma.  Also determine continued use in Alma, use the e-books records available from the vendor or OCLC, import the records into Alma and created a local collection or use the CZ collection.  All of of the shared e-book targets will be migrated from SFX for libraries to use if they decide not to use the vendor or OCLC records.  These migrated targets will be linked to the CZ collection and updates to the collection will be automatic. 

Shared eBook Packages:

Subscription-based, paid by ECC:

  • Ebrary Academic Complete

    • Possible Recommendations (under review):

      • Use CZ collection in Alma-would appear in NZ

        • Orbis-Cascade recommends CZ for Academic Complete

        • San Marcos recommends using CZ for Academic Complete

  • ProQuest Safari Tech Current

    • Possible Recommendations (under review):

      • download records from Safari and create local collection

        • List updates monthly and has big change in ebooks every January

        • San Marcos volunteered to continue offering MARC records and updates to NZ


Purchased for the CSU system:

  • EBSCOhost Ebooks--purchased from former NetLibrary [2000-03?]

    • Possible Recommendation (under review):

      • Use CZ collection (static list)-would appear in NZ

  • Coutts (MyiLibrary in SFX) -- DDA project 2012-13

  • Ebook Library (EBL) -- DDA project 2012-13

  • Ebrary Perpetual -- DDA project 2012-13

  • ACLS Humanities ebooks - moved to ECC December 2016


Subscription-based, opt-in:

  • Oxford Scholarship Online

  • [others?]


Action items

Compare a NZ Master Record for 5 e-books to same 5 e-book in NZ e-collection in Alma and vendor records (if possible) What is "good enough"?
Compare same e-book record in Primo search results 
Create migration recommendation for e-book packages