2016-07-12 Meeting notes




Discussion items

5 minTesting statusSuzanna Conrad (Unlicensed)
5 minIssue tracking while testingSuzanna Conrad (Unlicensed)
  • Discussed feedback from Dave Walker that we could use a page on Confluence for issue tracking if we don't need to assign issues to users or use complex categorization of issues/tasks.
  • Natasha suggested a Google Form that forwards to an email address. Confluence has an option to embed the form. Group agreed this might be a good option to using a static page in Confluence. Natasha is creating a form and sharing it. Mike provided this info on inserting macro/widgets: in Confluence, Insert Macro, Widget Connector
  • Not everyone has access to Atlassian; one person with access would have to maintain it. Suzanna following up to see if additional people can be added to the Confluence site.
5 minTest Log / Test CasesSuzanna Conrad (Unlicensed)
5 minNext steps Group agreed that we should be able to have testing results by the next meeting in August.

Action items