2022-11-16 Meeting Notes


Nov 16, 2022


  • @Rachael-Joy Davis (Unlicensed), Sacramento (Chair, July 2022 - June 2023)

  • Gabriel Castaneda, Northridge (Vice-Chair, July 2022 - June 2023)

  • Jia-Xun (Jia Jia) Wong, San Luis Obispo (Member, July 2021 - June 2023)

  • Kelly Adams, Pomona (Member, July 2022 – June 2024)

  • Michael Condon, San Jose (Member, July 2022 – June 2024)

  • David Rocha, Stanislaus (Member, July 2022 – June 2024)

  • Chris Lee, CO Ex Officio

 Discussion topics





Campus Updates/Announcements 

  • Flood at Sac State Library

Steering Committee Update

  • ULMS Wide Satisfaction Survey in progress

  • Chairs’ survey due 11/23

Alma/Primo Release Notes

Update on Cal State Walk-in Policy

  • Any updates from testing from Chris, David or Gabriel?

    • No updates yet, finishing up testing and will have more info to share by next meeting. Reconnect with Tina from Chico for updates.


ULMS Chairs’ Satisfaction Survey

  • Responses:  

  • Take survey:

Discuss plans for finalizing general Access Services survey

  • Finalize purpose, questions, and intended outcome so this can be communicated to the CSU community

  • Decide when to conduct interviews

  • Teams of 2 = 7 interviews per team

  • Propose: Nov/Dec to finalize, outreach in Jan, Interviews begin in Feb thru March, produce final data in May??

Wrap up/Action Items

  • Next meeting is 11/30 @ 1pm (pending vacations)

  • Review FFC survey responses/issues to send to Steering Committee

  • Reach out to Tina fro info on status of Walk-in 

  • Gabriel and Rachael meet Friday 11/18 to draft the general survey purpose statement.
