2022-08-31 Meeting Notes


Aug 31, 2022


  • Rachael-Joy Davis, Sacramento (Chair, July 2022 - June 2023)

  • Gabriel Castaneda, Northridge (Vice-Chair, July 2022 - June 2023)

  • Jia-Xun (Jia Jia) Wong, San Luis Obispo (Member, July 2021 - June 2023)

  • Kelly Adams, Pomona (Member, July 2022 – June 2024)

  • Michael Condon, San Jose (Member, July 2022 – June 2024)

  • David Rocha, Stanislaus (Member, July 2022 – June 2024)

  • Chris Lee, CO Ex Officio

 Discussion topics





Campus Updates/Announcements 

2023 Roadmap Plans for Fulfillment

Steering Committee Update

  • No updates yet. Our first meeting is scheduled for September 27th 10-11:30.

Open Discussion

  • Committee vice-chair. Any volunteers?

    • Gabriel has volunteered for the role of vice-chair. Rachael will email Brandon D. 

  • Are folks open to field trips to other libraries to learn about services, staffing, organization, and operations?

    • This idea was well received by the group. Some may use personal time to visit other libraries this semester.  

  • Goals for the committee for this year.

  • Question about listservs, what are they and how do they work. Chris provided a general summary. Here is information on how to subscribe:

Discussion of committee goals for this year

  • Finalize Walk-In User Policy

    • Review policy with FFC and RSFC

    • Send out to Access Services and Resource Sharing listservs for feedback

    • Bring to Steering Committee for review/feedback

    • Bring to COLD for final review and to become a policy. I believe the COLD rep on the Steering Committee does this. 

  • Regular review of Alma/Primo Release Notes

  • Satisfaction survey (annually around October/November)

  • General Fulfillment/Access Services survey to track service trends, service models, what’s changed, etc.

Wrap up/Action Items

  • Chris will begin dialogue with RSFC at their meeting on 9/1. Our two committees will most likely collaborate on the Cal State Walk-in Policy.

  • Are folks ok with canceling our meeting on the 7th, and meeting on the 14th instead? Unless activity changes and we end up having a lot to discuss between now and the 7th.

    • Correction, we had bi-weekly meetings scheduled, so next meeting will be 9/21. Email sent out to committee. 

  • We should have a deliverable for the Steering Committee by 9/27 to report who will serve as vice-chair, and what our planned agenda is.
