2022-09-21 Meeting Notes


Sep 21, 2022


  • Rachael-Joy Davis, Sacramento (Chair, July 2022 - June 2023)

  • Gabriel Castaneda, Northridge (Vice-Chair, July 2022 - June 2023)

  • Jia-Xun (Jia Jia) Wong, San Luis Obispo (Member, July 2021 - June 2023)

  • Kelly Adams, Pomona (Member, July 2022 – June 2024)

  • Michael Condon, San Jose (Member, July 2022 – June 2024)

  • David Rocha, Stanislaus (Member, July 2022 – June 2024)

  • Chris Lee, CO Ex Officio

 Discussion topics





Campus Updates/Announcements 

  • Ongoing LuxerOne issues at Sac State

  • Gabriel - Northridge also experiencing ongoing issues with lockers including a whole system shutdown due to a power surge that required access to the library’s breaker box, as well as issues with locker doors not opening.

Steering Committee Update

  • No updates yet. Our first meeting is scheduled for September 27th 10-11:30.

Open Discussion

  • https://docs.google.com/document/d/1kxwzSaobeXlmKSvDfpz9TI6rv2Ert3wcPN8lBFQYFnI/edit#

  • Made minor edits to 22/23 goals document. Document is ready to submit to Steering Committee. 

  • Discussed purpose/rationale for doing the general fulfillment survey. It was decided our rationale is gain insight into what other CSU libraries are experiencing post-pandemic. We are interested in learning what services have been discontinued, what services are new and were implemented because of the pandemic, how are Access Services departments structured and how does this differ across the libraries, and what do other service models look like. We agree this work can (and should) lead to a resource that library staff can refer to for information about who to contact at other libraries with questions related to specific service areas.

Discussion of committee goals for this year

  • Finalize Walk-In User Policy

    • Review policy with FFC and RSFC

    • Send out to Access Services and Resource Sharing listservs for feedback

    • Bring to Steering Committee for review/feedback

    • Bring to COLD for final review and to become a policy. I believe the COLD rep on the Steering Committee does this. 

  • Regular review of Alma/Primo Release Notes

  • Satisfaction survey (annually around October/November)

  • General Fulfillment/Access Services survey to track service trends, service models, what’s changed, etc.

Wrap up/Action Items

  • Rachael will submit final 22/23 goals document to the Steering committee by Friday, 9/23 12pm.

  • Rachael to reach out to Tina Dwyer (RSFC Chair) to coordinate a joint meeting to discuss walk-in policy and delegation of duties.

  • Gabriel to share General Fulfillment Survey concept with department staff at Northridge and share feedback with committee.
