2016-08-01 Implementation Team Meeting notes




  • Project updates

Discussion items

5minResource Sharing TaskforceBrandon
  • Resource Sharing Taskforce has been created
  • Brandon will work with them to set-up goals, testing, and communication plan.
  • Dawnelle and Stacy are co-chairs.
10minEx Libris updateBrandon
  • Jessica has compiled a list of NZ issues and Brandon has forwarded that to Ex Libris
  • Dolph is on top of this
  • Dolph is focused on training
  • Alma functional calls ending
5minSystems updateDavid
  • Authentication testing will begin soon, later this week
  • PeopleSoft Patron load testing will start with the vanguards next week
  • CMS met with San Marcos to get their code and data mappings for PeopleSoft financial load,
  • Need to remind folks to watch viedos as prep for training, as some staff haven't done that.
  • How best to control the questions that come in?
    • Need to encourage a variety of people to ask questions, and not have one person dominate
    • Dolph and Svetlana are there to catch and document questions
    • We can help, but are also training ourselves
  • Met with John Wenzler and some other Bay Area deans recently.
  • Alice will send out some logistical information
    • Should let people know that the room can be chilly, and should dress in layers
    • There are few outlets for the laptops (along the walls)
5minWorkflow testingMallory
  • Discussed moving workflow testing from small group to larger group
    • Communicating the need to look at these as drafts
  • Brandon, Sarina, and Mallory attended Access Services meeting last week
5minCommunication toolsSarina
  • Discussed greater use of Slack
    • Is optional now, and shouldn't be used for official meetings and stuff
  • Brandon sending out email about what tools to use.
  • Patrick mentioned the need for better communication in other areas
5minTech Services updateJessica
  • Tech services open forum has started meeting weekly now, and working well
  • Jessica getting known issues out to campuses
  • Campuses have started testing process to re-link IZ records to NZ records

Action items
