2016-04-25 Implementation Team Meeting notes




  • Updates

Discussion items

  • Test load has begun.
    • Only problem reported so far was with bound-widths at Stanislaus, unclear of the details at this point.
  • Kick-off phone call with San Luis Obispo and San Diego to develop a project to migrate Serials Solutions ERM data to Alma.
    • This project will be going on in parallel to the test load, with first test likely in late August.
    • Infrequent updates on this to follow
  • In-person workshops the week of August 8
    • John Larson will be the only trainer to attend, since Megan is now unavailable.
    • ExL have asked us to help wrangle things.
    • Alice should send out a save-the-date as soon as possible, given people making vacation plans.
    • Discussion at COLD this week will determine who, generally, will be attending.
  • In-person training for a campus is $1,650 per day plus travel costs, so about $5k for campuses for a 2-3 day workshop.
  • Optimization service is about $20k
    • Includes a couple of on-site visits
    • Session at ELUNA on this, maybe worth checking out
  • Have not heard back from Megan on scenarios
5minVanguard webinarRae Ann
  • Wondered how useful the session was for the config form, and whether the Q&A may be short
  • Brandon thought everyone did a good job
  • Everyone now has received their populated forms.
7minERM Task forceJessica
  • ERM Taskforce met for the first time last week, focus is on ebooks.
  • Orbis is not much a help here as they universally went with vendor or OCLC records.
  • Rhode Island takes an opposite approach: Only taking vendor records from a select number of vendors.
  • We are generally not happy with this model.
  • Taskforce spent time discussing the pros and cons of each set of CKB records.
  • Jessica has put together a check list of things to test.
  • ERM Taskforce has not yet touched base with Acquisitions taskforce on ebooks specifically.
15minWorking Group ChairsAll
  • Discussion about Working Group Chair meeting last Friday.

Action items
