Notes 12/9/15

CALSTATE weekly call

Wednesday, December 09, 2015

 1.        Action items from last week:

 o     Primo initial configuration questionnaire (link was sent out) -- complete by Wed Jan 6

 o     Early testers access to Primo UI -- (Lynn); still working on a process and we will update you once we have a plan for rolling this out to Calstate

 o     Non_exl link resolver form entry difficulties --> David indicated to us, this doesn't seem like a feasible/workable solution. Action: EXL will discuss internally on options/alternatives and we will update David and Jessica separately


 2.        Initial test load status:

 o     All forms on file; full data extracts and delivered files list due on Fri Dec 11


 3.        Alma Configuration forms: cases have been created. Draft configuration form due via case by Tue Dec 15; finalized form on file by Tue Jan 12


 4.        Resource Management Review - part 1 (Svetlana)

 o     Svetlana will provide some pointers/homework topics to help you review the topics; these will be posted on Basecamp

 5.        Next week: Resource Management Review - part 2

 6.        Upcoming presentation, Friday Dec 11, 11-noon Pacific: Management of electronic resources (crosses cataloging, inventory  management and acquisitions areas) - Marina Spivakov, Director of Implementation Services