2019-3-26 Meeting notes


Mar 26, 2019



  • @Lauren Magnuson (Unlicensed)(San Marcos)

  • @Kevin Cloud (Unlicensed) (CO)

  • @Mark Bilby (Unlicensed) (Fullerton)

  • Lucy Liu (Fresno)

  • Colleen Harris (Channel Islands)

  • Pam Kruger (Chico)

  • Elyse Fox (Sacramento)

  • Brianne Hagen (Humboldt)

  • Maria Pena (Fresno)

  • Nicole Shibata (Northridge)

  • Laura Nelson (San Marcos)

  • April Gilbert (SJSU)

  • Lisa Roberts (Sacramento)

  • Julie Dinkins (Sonoma)

  • Boutsaba Janetvilay (Fresno)


  • Update on Metadata Collective work

  • Call for New Chair

Discussion items









Metadata Collective/SWAT w/Digital Archives IG

@Kevin Cloud (Unlicensed)

SWAT group completed its work; moved to implementation team

Some interest in reorganizing ScholarWorks governance and Scholarly Communication Groups

-e.g., use IG structure and bring together the Scholarly Communication Group

Metadata Collective:

-Recommendations / data models for Theses - have been passed along to implementation group

-By next Friday (4/1) asking for Controlled Vocabularies from all of the campuses for the collegs and departments that will be represented in the IR

-CSUN, San Marcos, SF State, and Chico have sent them; still waiting on others - need College, Department, and Display

-Will be adding controlled vocabularies to pilot IR


  • April @ SJSU shared an idea that you may be able to pull these depts/programs out of your local authorities in Alma (if you have set them up) - will investigate and post info to group if they can be exported from Alma


Implementation Team Pilot timeline

-SWAT report sent to COLD; COLD made decisions on 2 of the 5 recommendations, other recommendations put on hold until more formal governance structure set in place

-Dave/Kevin working on broad project work to present to implementation team to make a more formal group similar to ULMS; steering committee approach

-Scope of work includes faculty profiles, digital archives, and scholarly publishing / OJS / OMP

  • Digital archives group looking at digital archives metadata



New Chair Call


@Lauren Magnuson (Unlicensed) needs to step down from this group - anyone willing to serve as chair?
















Action items

(All) - work on submitting controlled vocabularies for your campus departments / programs https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1GH5ulJJavsNjdsZcae5Y7t9EOb2_nyarJj9C11nl4Vk/edit#gid=1692482011 (@Kevin Cloud (Unlicensed) will send info to ScholarWorks Listserv) - info should be added by Apr 1, 2019
Watch for updates in April re: where the Implementation Team pilot project is going and how Metadata / Linked Data can contribute to the pilot work
