2023-06-07 Meeting notes
Jun 14, 2023
@Rebecca Lubas (Unlicensed) @Scott Walter (Unlicensed) @Ron Rodriguez (Unlicensed) @Ann Roll (Unlicensed) Leslie Kennedy Emily Bonney @David Walker @John Wenzler (Unlicensed) Bernadette Muscat @Tracey Mayfield (Unlicensed) @Cyril Oberlander (Unlicensed) @Amy Kautzman (Unlicensed)
Discussion topics
Time | Item | Presenter | Notes |
| Brief introductions |
| Confirm 23/24 COLD meeting dates and places | Ron and Scott | Confirmed:
Update on Strategic planning | Scott and Ron | Recommending accepting the offer; one F2F meeting with COLD plus virtual meetings; suggests three members to be strategic planning team to meet with Sarah every two weeks plus engagement with Executive Committee; clarified meaning of refresh; discussed metrics to keep plan on track/COLD accountable; need Statement of Work to get contract in the system | |
| Review of committee chairs/vice chairs/buddy assignments | Scott and Emily |
Need a Buddy for incoming Dean Elizabeth Dill UPDATE: Jen Fabbi |
| Follow up on Reveal Digital session | Mark | Mark has been in touch with Peggy Glahn from Reveal Digital, Tony Wallin-Sato, Wednesday, July 12 at 1:00 PM pacific time. Mark will start spreading the word among COLD members once he has more info. Invite CSU Library Associate Deans along with Collection Development librarians? |
| Follow up on equitable access session for September COLD | Scott and Mark | Differences based on starting point: campus bookstore vs. commercial bookstore On September Agenda |
| CO Library Leadership Proposal Task Force membership and Charge | Scott | TF is formed, members will refine charge and determine a chair. Amy will convene a kickoff meeting |
| Follow up on meeting with Laura Massa | Leslie | Leslie will confirm available dates! |
| Update on CO staff searches | CO folks | Search underway for Program Manager position (posting https://csucareers.calstate.edu/detail.aspx?pid=104093 ); posting just came back from HR for UMLS Director position, John Wenzler will be joining that search committee. |
| California Collections Committee Meetings |
| Suggesting additional representation for balance in the group, should be a dean there. Emily will continue for July/August. Put on agenda for Full COLD in September |