Are there any counts that the CO will not be providing and asking each CSU to get on their own? (Maybe through consortial manager?)
Analytics reports
Checked to make sure that the reports that need to be run in the NZ do not time out.
Removed the survey instructions that were printing above the tables when the analytics reports run.
The prompts for the alternate reports to use in case the report to run in the NZ times out were not loading correctly. These have been corrected.
The reports to be run in the NZ use the fields from Portfolio Details for Consortia Members folder for filters and prompts and fields that are not from that folder for the columns.
Most likely a mistake that corrected only the columns but not the filters and the prompts.
I asked about this on Slack last AY but received no feedback.
Spot checked the totals for a few institutions by material type and by collection name. They were the same when only the fields that are not in that folder were used.
Added a line of warning to the slides discussing these reports but will not update the reports without knowing the history.
Reports in the “Run in the IZ” folder are outdated compared to the reports that we showed in last AY ACRL open forum. Natalya has provided the more recent versions of the reports for line 81 and 82. Case 07778595 was filed to see if a more recent version of the reports can be received/retrieved by the backups that Ex L might have access to. Hopefully, only the report descriptions were updated during last AY.