2017-04-06 COLD Minutes



  • John Wenzler

  • Cesar Cabellero attended via Zoom, arriving at 2:15 pm. All other institutions were present. Amanda Dinscore represented Fresno.

Zoom Location: https://SonomaState.zoom.us/j/591125326   or 

Dial: +1 408 638 0968 (US Toll) or +1 646 558 8656 (US Toll)    Meeting ID: 591 125 326

On Site Location

SSU will have appropriate signage in the lobbies, but most of the action takes place in 3066 and 3001 on the third floor, near Library Admin. Coming out of the elevators or stairwell, 3001 is immediately to your left, and 3066 is to your right, just past the Woodstock statue.


COLD Sonoma April 2017 Meeting Docs

Discussion items


 Welcome, Agenda Review, New Members

  • Clem Guthro – Fullerton
  • Amanda Dinscore – Fresno

Budget Proposals

$35K still available in the COLD budget for 2016-17. Suggestions due to John by 3/30. Karen will do a Qualtrics Poll before the meeting.

Motion: To fund the three conferences at the recommended levels and purchase resource sharing bags. X moved, Ray seconded.

20 votes, 1 abstention.


ULMS: Dean's Briefing

Final phase of the implementation as well as what we think will be happening between Go-Live and the first COLD meeting in the Fall.

Alice Kawakami reviewed the project milestones and other key information. She also reviewed tracking documents the Libraries are using. The presentation slide deck and spreadsheet are in the ULMS space on Confluence. Brandon Dudley noted he was sending out an email of the important migration dates to each PM and the deans.

ULMS Support & Governance

How the CO plans to meet our side of the MOU as well as how campuses might meet their side of the MOU, specifically in the ‘collaborative work’ commitments. 

Started 1:40. David Walker started by noting that COLD had tremendous internal turnover since the ULMS project was launched three years ago. He began with an overview of staffing at the CO. He then reviewed the MOU for this project and clarified the commitments from the CO as well as the Libraries, along with proposed governance and communications models. Amy Wallace, Tracy Elliot, Patrick Newell, Jen Fabbi, and others spoke to the proposed governance model, which is six functional committees plus a steering committee for two years (the latter would have one COLD representative).

There was discussion about the transition from the existing structure. Stephanie Brasley proposed founding a small task force to work with the CO on finalizing the new governance structure.

MOTION: Mark Stover proposed a motion for COLD to establish a small task force to work with the CO implementation leads on a new governance structure, to be implemented by August 1. Patrick second. Passed unanimously (though Cesar was frozen). The structure proposal will be due May 15.

Members: Carlos, Tracy, Patrick, Amy Wallace, Amy Kautzman.

Break began at 2:40.
3:15 - 4:30

ULMS General Discussion

  • Promotion strategies
  • Campus readiness
  • Any other ULMS Topic
  • Implementation Team updates

This session began at 3 pm.

David Walker talked about Primo basics, such as scoping. He placed this in the context of the usability study from the Discovery group that found users had difficulty finding books at other campuses. Deans are urged to look at local decisions. There was Q&A that brought up the value of adding Ebsco into the search results, something that SJSU is testing. David also reported that the Delivery group is tasked with addressing the usability issue within two weeks.

Jen Fabbi asked if there is a record retention policy, and the answer is not yet.


CSU Wide Institutional Repository

-- Strategic Goals

-- Do we want a unified system as with ULMS

Follow-up from February Meeting

Mark Stover (Unlicensed)

Jen Fabbi

Motion made to vote for the CSU-wide IR; seconded.

Discussion focused on the concern by some deans about moving from a commercial product their users are happy with to a product that is now in development. Patrick Newell proposed deferring this vote until a product is available. 

Postponed to the September COLD meeting with a request for STIM to report out on progress on the CSU IR.

Parking Lot
  • What we want from committees/work groups and what we plan to do with their recommendation -- Patrick Newell
  • Student Success, GI2025, and Privacy -- Mark Stover
  • SDLC Report – Eddie Choy
  • Spring CNI Report – Michele Van Hoeck
  • Strategic Plan Update – John Wenzler
  • Follow-up on AD Meeting – Jen Fabbi

GI2025 and Privacy – Patrick Newell recommended adding a whereas clause observing that CA state law is very strict about protecting user data.



All-COLD dinner will be Thursday 4/6 at the Doubletree, convening at 6 pm. The first round of refreshments is on Karen. After that, it's a menu of your choosing. We have a nice room and the Doubletree is lovely. 

Action items
