2019-5-2/3 Meeting notes

Date: May 2, 2019

12:00 pmLunchTracy Elliott (Unlicensed)

King Library Meeting Room 225

Optional tours: 12:15-12:45

  • The Spartan Floor: including the KLEVR lab: AR/VR technology, the sound studio, and Student Computing Services 
  • The Innovation Underground: including the Materials Library, prototyping equipment, Incubation Space and the Presentation Practice Room/Video Capture Studio  
1:00 pmBrief introductions All

Welcome from Dr. Joan Fick, Interim Provost

1:15 pm

Positions/ScholarWorks Governance 

Budget briefing from Gerry?

Jen Fabbi (Unlicensed)

David Walker

Patrick N.- German word-holding on by my bloody fingers
Eddie- Busy
Patrick M.-Repairs
Mark-German word for making a move
Frank-German word-transitory
Ed (east bay) rebuilding


2:15 pm

Committee Updates

  • Scholarly Communication 
  • STIM 
  • Student Success 
  • CERPE 

Adriana Popescu

Karen Schneider (Unlicensed)

Tracy Elliott (Unlicensed)

Amy Kautzman

Prioritizing budget items based on having a budget for the Fall or not

The data manager position has been open

  1. $3500 ECC analysis (CO)
  2. $38,980 CERPE Contract to review licensing (San Jose)
  3. $950 Bags (CO)-purchase more CSU+ bags
  4. $3135 Year one Tableau license (CO) – to support the ULMS Analytics committee

Total $47,565

 Cost-sharing for professional development needs to be systematic

Interest in ULMS summer meetings (late July or early August) and funding the ULMS meetings in general.
Copyright she t Responder (SJSU and

Patrick N. made the motion to accept the budget priorities and Emily seconded

17 in favor
1 abstention


Data Manager position-(Marcus’ previous position)

Questions to David about his document?

Can some of this work be done by Brandon and is it FT?

Some aspects can be done by Brandon and it could be half time.

If we don’t fill this position, there is an opportunity for a 2nd ScholarWorks position.

We need more clarity and detail about the 1 year ScholarWorks position and to memorialize this

Motion: (Patrick Newell) motion to hire a 1 year SW contract position with funds diverted from the data manager position. Seconded by Patrick M. (friendly amendment). Mark moved to table it until May 3.

Tracy-working with a vendor (Islandora) to replace digital commons. Would welcome other institutions to work with us to get out of ContentDM

Motion to table the vote until 9:30 tomorrow.

17 yes
1 no
1 abstention

  • Scholarly Communication (Adriana)
    • Sending out a survey and will process the data over the summer. Will have the findings ready for the COLD fall meeting
    • 4 committee members completing their assignments so looking for members
  • STIM (Karen)
    • Planning for the summer conference – Aug 6-7
    • Looking at a LOCKS survey for next year
    • Planning to send out the TIPASI report
  • Student Success (Tracy)
    • IRB application going out to members
    • Access to data sharing
    • Requirements for data protection, not allowed to sign off
    • Starting with the summer bridge is good data
    • Make sure to check in with IRB work with librarians.
  • CERPE (Amy)
    • The reasons for forming the task force
    • Claire, the consultant has national consortial expertise
    • Another group looking as CSU cost recovery fees, what is the best path forward using this data

Due date in September because the Elsevier contract negotiations start in December.

2:45 pm


3:00 pm 

ECC Cuts/Current Advocacy 

Michele Van Hoeck (Unlicensed)

  1. My report on EAR’s recommendation to COLD re: ECC resources to cut for 2019-20
  2. A two page summary of ECC analysis and resulting EAR discussion and votes
  3. A letter received by a newly formed group of CSU business librarians, opposing the EAR vote to downgrade Business Source Premiere. Because this letter arrived after EAR’s April meeting and vote affirmation, I shared it with EAR but did not request revisiting the vote. I’m sharing with COLD as supplemental information.

Overage is $470K of a 5-million-dollar budget.
Hired a financial manager

EAR Docs (recommendations and usage and emails about Business Source Premier)

Motion to accept the EAR recommendations for potential cuts to the ECC. Friendly amendment from Jen to add Business Source Premier if we find funds (withdrawn). Tracy seconded the motion.

18 yes
Motion carries

Cesar-believes the advocacy has been effective

Ed Inch-keep the conversations going and imagine what this will look like of nothing is done. The provosts are aware of the equity and access issues.

7 campus resolutions in support of ECC.

Creating a memo addressed to the provost with the proposed cuts to the ECC

Send to Ed and he will be on the agenda for June

Do we have a document listing what is core content. Based on 20 or more campuses

Patrick N. curricular mapping was mentioned last year. Michelle says there is a document that outlines what is ECC criteria.

Elsevier’s contract is up in December

Need to know what I am negotiating other than price

Charge of the SWOT team

Motion: COLD will appoint a SWOT team to advise Eddie on Elsevier negotiations.
Amy seconded the motion

Cyril, two of Tracy’s staff, a few EAR people and Michelle are willing to be the facilitator
Claire is in place to use her expertise

18 yes
0 no

Elsevier Statement

: Accept the CSU/UC Elsevier statement letter to be signed by everyone to move to a public discussion about Elsevier. Cesar seconded

19 Yes
0 No

The reconsideration to move Brandon and Kevin has failed in the first stage

Deans Only HourAll Deans

Elsevier Statement

Motion: Accept the CSU/UC Elsevier statement letter to be signed by everyone to move to a public discussion about Elsevier.
Cesar seconded

19 Yes

The reconsideration to move Brandon and Kevin as failed in the first stage

Farmers Union 151 W Santa Clara St, San Jose, CA 95113

Date: May 3, 2019

8:30 amFull BreakfastTracy Elliott (Unlicensed)King Library Meeting Room 225
9:00 amElsevier Contract/Elsevier Statement

Michele Van Hoeck (Unlicensed)

Amy Kautzman

10:00 am
Business from previous day


10:30 am

FY19-20 – COLD Meeting Dates (Amy)

Sept. 19-20, Dominguez Hills

Dec. 12-13, East Bay  (working on Dec 5-6)

March 19-20, Cal Poly

May 28-29, Maritime Academy

Motion to include ADs and directors functioning in an AD role in the DH COLD meeting on September 29 COLD meeting. Seconded by Karen

20 yes
0 no

10:45 amCSU-UC Transformative AgreementMark Stover

UC Read and Publish Collaboration- Mark (refer to slides)

Ivy Anderson and Gunter Waibel from CDL approached him about possible partnership
OA 2020 Resolution, CSUN is the only campus that has signed on.

“Transformative Agreement” also called “read and publish” attempt (builds a pathway to OA)
*the agreement is cost-neutral-the same spend in the previous year for a straight subscription but adds a pathway to OA. Give access to the journal as well as OA access

What is the motivation?

Political win for the CSUs that we are working together to more uniformly and libraries are

First ever UC/CSU partnership
Win for publishers
UC is interested because the market dynamics are favorable—cost-efficient and cost-savings

Plow these cost savings back into the native OA journals which have a problem with sustainability

Faculty Choices

Probably not the big 3
Sage, Oxford, IEEE

Presented at CNI, a call to attention.

Not spending more than 2% of what they are going to spend and publishers won’t lose more than 2%

Transform the state of scholarly communications. Flipping journal packages to open access and allow the publishers to do what they do. The university subsidizes the research and via federal grants

What is a transformative agreement? (slides)

-Cost neutral (won’t pay more if already getting subscription
-Read and publish is what libraries will continue to pay.
*Goes through the CDL (dedicated data analysts) to manage all of this

Shows a unified front for higher ed in California
First dedicated CSU-UC library partnership

CSU Libraries would have to do a lot of education

Partnership should be dependent on CUL (Council of University Librarians).
This will be a long-term process and commitment and will be a paradigm shift.

Next steps will be to invite collaborators to next COLD meeting.
Should we invite Ivy Anderson and Gunter Waibel to a future COLD meeting?

11:15 am

Review charter and committee charges 

  • ULMS Governance Steering Committee proposed revisions 
  • Scholarly Communications liaison to EAR added to SC charge 

Jen Fabbi (Unlicensed)

Carlos Rodriguez

Adriana Popescu

ERM acquisition committee-revisit role and break it into 2 committees = acquisitions and ERM committee

Move from 6 to 7 functional committees and reduce the number of members from 5 to 4.

Decision from COLD about forming two committees.

Motion: (Tracy) accept the changes as presented by the chair. Seconded by Patrick N.

18 yes
0 no
0 abstention

Scholarly Communications liaison to EAR added to SC charge (Adriana/Mark)

Motion: Scholarly Communications add an EAR rep for communications and
Emily seconded

18 yes
0 no
o abstention

Jen’s final comments (and accomplishments)

SWOT team for ScholarWorks

Formed two new committees
admin cost-recovery fees (faced the challenge but then be forwarding thinking
Advocacy with the ECC
Thanks to Kelly and Ed Inch
Thanks to our CO colleagues
Future-focused and informed

LunchBox lunch available in meeting room if ordered

Optional tours: 12:15-12:45

  • The Spartan Floor: including the KLEVR lab: AR/VR technology, the sound studio, and Student Computing Services 
  • The Innovation Underground: including the Materials Library, prototyping equipment, Incubation Space and the Presentation Practice Room/Video Capture Studio