2018-09-13/14 Meeting notes


Sep 13, 2018


  • @Jen Fabbi (Unlicensed)

  • @Amy Kautzman

  • @Tracy Elliott (Unlicensed)

  • @Karen Schneider (Unlicensed)

  • @Stephanie Brasley

  • @Curt Asher (Unlicensed)

  • @Cyril Oberlander

  • @Emily Boss (Unlicensed) Bonney

  • @Adriana Popescu

  • @Del Hornbuckle (Unlicensed)

  • @Patrick Newell (Unlicensed)

  • @John Wenzler

  • @Michele Van Hoeck (Unlicensed)

  • @Stephen Stratton

  • @Carlos Rodriguez

  • @Cesar Caballero (Unlicensed)

  • @Roman Kochan

  • @Emma C. Gibson

  • @Gerry Hanley

  • @Patrick Newell (Unlicensed)

  • @Patrick McCarthy

  • @Mark Stover

  • @Ron Rodriguez

  • @Frank Wojcik

  • @Deborah Master

  • @Kelly Janousek

  • @David Walker

  • @Eddie Choy

  • @Kevin Cloud (Unlicensed)

  • @Edward Inch

  • @brandon dudley (Unlicensed)










Lunch, sandwiches brought to room

@Amy Kautzman

Library Rm 2022


Introductions & Updates


Amy-lots of changes, SACCreates, renovations—you will have a tour!
Tracy-busy, seeing lots of students this semester
Emma-on semester system
Frank-blossoming, makerspace project
Deborah- pop-up first year experience
Adriana-community-launched an exhibit on area languages
Karen-resilient-1 year after fires
Del-restructure-MPP positions
Patrick-Engaged-tremendous growth
Cyril-Engaging-open source software initiative
Emily-cheater-renovated. Renovations. Changes
John-Groundbreaking-new building
Edward-Provost EB, transforming, technology resources, OER
Cesar-morphing, new Starbucks & learning community of students from innovation lab
Curt-anticipation-having to close off areas and hoping to open them
Mark-on the edge of something
Gerry-merci-ULMS would not be where it is without you
Patrick (SDSU)-crossroads-new leadership
Carlos-reimagine-many new hires in 2 years. Comprehensive master plan
Stephanie-exciting-new president, new program for student assistants to introduce them to careers in libraries
Jen-searching-new position searches & a new SC department


Committee Updates

  • EAR

  • Scholarly Communication

  • STIM & Tipasa Task Force

  • Student Success

  • ULMS Steering Committee

@Michele Van Hoeck (Unlicensed)

@Adriana Popescu

@Karen Schneider (Unlicensed)

@Jen Fabbi (Unlicensed) Tracy Elliott

@Carlos Rodriguez

EAR Work Plan 2018-19

Scholarly Communication Report

1) EAR (Michele)-manages the ECC. Met last week and a fall and spring meeting planned. Created a work plan template; Implemented a DDA ebook pilot last year and will now assess it. Streaming media and possible textbook pilot. The need for EAR to collect system-wide statistics, aggregated reports and will be utilizing someone at CSULB with the skill to analyze such data and generate the reports. EAR will be in a position to advocate, data can be compelling. Next meeting in November.

2) Scholarly Communications Committee (Adriana)-new committee. Advocacy and training for scholarly communications tool. Patrick is focused on copyright education, completed a content webpage and giving it a CSU URL. Copyright education web team’s work is complete and thanks to all the deans who recommended librarians to contribute. Copyright First Responders initiative-Kyle from copyright first responders has agreed to come in Fall 2019. The training will be 2 full days. Requesting a Laura Bush IMLS grant to send 5 staff to training.

3) STEM (Karen)-met in August. TIPASA task force is moving along with the goal of identifying a successor to ILLIAD and GoLive.

4) Student Success (Tracy)-Responsible for information literacy impact study. Participation will require information literacy instruction data points and needs to include course section and number. Institutional research body work with this committee. 2 year study and funding was approved and lives at CSU San Marcos. Greater Western Library Alliance (R1s) working on a study to examine information literacy instruction and student success and the 2nd round is to replicate this study at the CSUs. There was some concern about CAT’s last consultant and the study. There is a need to take a better look at assessment across the campuses.

ULMS (Carlos)-Dealing with post implementation issues. Annual report will be sent out. Policy & procedures will continue to be reviewed but emphasis is now on functionality, shared print and future enhancements. Jen stated this will be a year of discovery and improvements. Meeting focus for December will be updates on a deans’ dashboard, February will be CSU+, and May will be future improvements and what to plan for the next year.


ScholarWorks Discussion

@Jen Fabbi (Unlicensed) to facilitate

ScholarWorks survey report

ScholarWorks Framing ppt

Jen gave an overview of the survey results and executive committee meeting discussion (ppt posted).

Overview of the Executive Meeting:

1) Discussion about access and digitization of culturally significant material at each campus

2) Campuses losing individual identity if we consider a system-wide IR

3) Discussion about the advantages of two instances (IR and digitized special collections)

4) Need for technical readiness for staff who could contribute technical skills to the project, and what do the campuses need for implementation, management, etc.

5) Perhaps give this task to the IR community of practice or use STIM
a) Deans will develop questions

b) STIM conducts the investigation working with ScholCom to implement the scan.

6) Important to establish a timeline/schedule

There are prioritized budget request for funds to further support ScholarWorks but currently no money to fund.

Dave responded to survey results and gave a history of the IR initiative over the last several years (ppt posted).

Motion to charge a SWAT group of deans, STIM, IR COP and internal stakeholders to work on a cost-benefit analysis focused on moving from 23 instances to just one instance. We are not just looking at direct costs but what do we gain and what do we lose: speed, content, quality, flexibility and functionality. Recommending a status report in December and a final recommendation in February 2019 that will include an external scan of other consortia. Motion carries unanimously (23 yes).

DSpace is frozen and now that we have a plan, can it be unfrozen? DSpace is not “frozen,” as such, but storage space is an issue, larger collections should wait for Samvera.

David-thinks the timeline is fine and will formalize PM work, communication strategy so that there is no gaps and frustration. Request for SWAT group to develop the questions by December and provide recommendation by February 2019.

Tracy and Curt are the dean volunteers. The Executive meetings in-between will help with any vetting and support.





Budget Report

@Gerry Hanley (Unlicensed)

Cost recovery accounts are protected from sweeping and the buildup from this account is what he’s relied on as a rainy-day savings account. Learned that these accounts now need to have a zero balance. The budget office looked at account and determined that he didn’t need money because he has the savings account. Gerry addressed his concerns but had to move money out of operational accounts which leaves him at a deficit. Will spend out the savings account but made it clear that they will fund all the things they need to do.

1) Gerry hopes to have all this resolved in October.

2) Less emphasis on technology and more money going to Student Affairs

3) Broader system has moved towards campus taking over these expenses. More money may go to individual campus allocations

4) Gerry can pay for the $5000 for the consultant for the deans’ retreat

5) We will be faced with future budgetary issues because Gerry won’t have the funds for next year if they don’t make up the money removed from the savings accounts

6) Preparing budget request for March and hoping the new governor will be more supportive of the CSUs

7) The CO will realize that they can’t do things without collaboration. Benefits to broader collaboration. The governor’s people (BOT) are business people and not enriched on the value of higher education

8) Kelli-department of budget and finance making recommendations to them, request to the deans.


Deans Hour

All Deans



Meeting Adjourned


Meeting adjourned at 5:00pm




Dinner Lucca Restaurant & Bar -- 1615 J. St. Sacramento. Prix fixe menu #2 http://docs.wixstatic.com/ugd/807bda_9a366972f9924434b625b91ca06a0f5a.pdf

Action items










Breakfast and Tour of SacStateCreates 

@Amy Kautzman

Library Rm 2022


Group photo




Shared Print Recommendation

@Karen Schneider (Unlicensed) and SPIRIT

Shared Print Monograph Projects Overview

Shared Print Motion: Language and Fact Sheet

Karen shared the SCELC shared print doc that included the motion to investigate the feasibility of joining SCELC.


Where will this take us: SPIRIT completed a survey and folks were in agreement that journals are handled by West/CDL so they would not be included in the shared print initiative. For monographs, we should take action and pursue a shared print monograph program.

The only shared print west of Iowa is SCELC. Options are to join SCELC or go it alone. SPIRIT can do a closer analysis to go it alone or go with SCELC.
Discussion about Greenglass which does a very different type of analysis, designed to work around shared print.

Frank-for those who have done GreenGlass in the past will have to do it again, the analytics have changed.

What do the CSU libraries want to do then we can go from there and address the cost and function of GreenGlass. The cost factor/internal capacity and going it alone are the mysteries. Staff bandwidth is not sufficient to go it alone.

Emma seconded the motion for a recommendation from SPIRIT for the December COLD meeting. Have a proposal by Nov. 9th

SCELC COST: 10-15 years there is an annual cost then afterward, there is an analysis after the next 3 years.

Frank: is the analysis necessary due to the age of the monographs. 23 campuses may not join at the same time.

Stephen: recommends an analysis so that we know what the stand-alone costs may be. Will give you more of a validation of what you are doing.

Cyril: not in favor of giving OCLC a ton of money.

Mark: we should not accept the existing price if we agree to move forward with the recommendation. We should negotiate the price.

Karen: we will have some type of MOU so that’s a good time to negotiate the price and the pre-nup in case we want to back out.

Kelly: we should also consider more current monographs.

Karen: government docs are not included and that’s an area to look at as well in the CSUs. Should we go back to the first motion-establishing a CSU stand-alone and what is involved to do this. The cost factor/internal capacity and going it alone are the mysteries. Staff bandwidth is not sufficient to go it alone. The original motion was designed to help people understand what we have before us and how to go about it.

John: the motion was about laying out the options before us.

Deborah-does ALMA have Collection overlap analysis capacity?

Karen: we should look at the differences between ALMA and GreenGlass. All shared print programs seem to use GreenGlass

Patrick: what are the goals of the shared print without GreenGlass. Are there things we can do within our CSU stand alone.

Karen: reminding everyone not to focus on GreenGlass, SCLEC gives a level of expertise and GreenGlass is one feature. Not about GreenGlass or not.

Stephanie: should we go back to the original motion to shape it as a CSU stand-alone to have the evidence lined up and comparative data so that we can have a stronger case on our campuses. The analysis of going it alone.

Patrick: should we consider looking at partners in the UCs or community colleges.

Everyone voted to approve the original motion with two abstentions

Stephanie: this brings up the point of Cyril’s OCLC comment regarding the negative aggressive OCLC behavior. TIPASA task force will report on these activities.

Patrick: recommended a TIPASA report at the next COLD meeting

Karen: putting together a timeline and will post to COLD the updates after today’s meeting

Cyril: expressed concerns regarding OCLC’s monopolistic behavior







@brandon dudley (Unlicensed) @David Walker

Discovery feedback from Summer meeting

Usability study

Primo Issues–focus has been on Alma; document and describe our issues and make improvements.
Summer ULMS meetings was an opportunity to discuss Primo issues.

· Decided to turn off FRBR in June due to more problems that it was worth

· Relevancy of results so looking at ranking. Topical searches are tougher to resolve the issues. Ex Libris is eager to help us but we must do a better job of documenting the problems. Configuration changes

· CSU+/ILL Request Options

o Does not include a request option

· Availability & Requests

o Large group of programmers that will allow some customization so that all data is not coming from ALMA

o Usability test at 5 campuses and to understand users and searching


· Enable CSU scope by default

· Enable full Primo Central results by default

· Modify labels so that it makes more sense to users

· Think about newspaper scope

These are high level summary and the scope of work

It would be great to see what each campus is doing and best practices

Mark-why can’t we deal with the indexing issues and make EBSCO and Ex Libris work together. The students are losing.

David-there is opportunity to address the indexing issue.

Jen-what can COLD do or should we refer this to EAR. Will discuss with Michele to see if some of this work is in their scope.

Cyril-The AG is a route to addressing the unethical business practices of vendors

Patrick-we need to communicate the recommendations back the campuses


Communities of Practice – new for Makerspaces 

@Mark Stover (Unlicensed)

Really crucial for academic libraries and at least half have a makerspace and even calling them different names.
John-model what the ScholarWorks group or I-SPIE did, by organizing via a listserv.

Karen-is the community of practice limited to academic libraries or CSU wide interest.

Jen-we can create a listserv but there may need to be goals and some direction.

Stephanie-focused on a pedagogical approach so that the library has a clear stake

CRL article on makerspaces
Joan Bissell and Gerry Hanley are interested and have access to grants and resources

Karen, Mark and Emily Bonney and Stephanie will work together to organize a community of practice for makerspace.


Meeting adjourned


Meeting adjourned at 12:15




Epicure within Student Union https://www.dining.csus.edu/eateries/epicure-restaurant-at-sacramento-state/(Guests of SacState)
