Withdrawals (Operational Policy)



Document status

APPROVED March 21, 2017. REVISED May 4, 2017 ; Jun 29, 2017 ; Jul 12, 2017 ; REVIEWED Jun 24, 2019 .

Revised to change status to Operational Policy March 1, 2018. Revised to reflect new UI and workflow improvements July 23, 2018.

Approved by ULMS Coordinating Committee May 18, 2018 

Area covered


Prepared by

Cataloging Task Force

Revised by

Resource Management Functional Committee


Action log



Point Person

Expected Completion Date

Last action taken

Next action required


Point Person

Expected Completion Date

Last action taken

Next action required

Articulate the need for the procedures (background)

Cataloging Task Force

Mar 21, 2017 

Procedures needed for withdrawals in Alma.


Distributed to TS Working Group for feedback.


Finalize procedures

Cataloging Task Force


Procedures finalized. Revised.


Revised procedures

Cataloging Task Force

Jun 29, 2017 

in consultation with the Analytics Group, revised procedures to provide instructions to record "wdn date" to gather statistics for withdrawals.

Distributed to TS and Analytics Working Group.

Revised procedures

Cataloging Task Force

  Jul 12, 2017 

Updated procedures for changes to the way Alma functions: Removed reference to schedule job section of withdrawal job (no longer there); Removed section to remove 'Run an unlinking job' section (no longer needed); Removed section to remove 'Remove unsuppressed titles' section (no longer needed);



Resource Management Functional Committee

Mar 1, 2018 

Revised to changes status to Operational Policy and add policy governing procedures for withdrawing physical items. Procedures updated to conform to the current Alma UI.