Management Tags



Document status


Area covered

Cataloging, Import Profiles

Lead Author

Jeremy Hobbs


@Micah Jeffries (Unlicensed), @Marcus Jun (Unlicensed), @Moon Kim (Unlicensed), Elizabeth Rallos



When importing records into the NZ, management tags can be used to suppress bibliographic records from display in Primo and to synchronize holdings with OCLC.

Policy Statement

The task force recommends that NZ import profiles not suppress NZ bibliographic records from Primo. The Orbis Cascade Alliance has found that suppressing at the bibliographic level may have negative consequences on collection analysis and statistics.

Exlibris documentation on managing records in a Network Zone states that “publishing to OCLC is processed at the local institution level since this process is used to expose institutions' physical holdings. Each institution in a collaborative network determines how bibliographic and holdings records are published.”

The task force recommends that OCLC holdings be updated through an automatic job established in each campus’ instance of Alma.

Best practice recommendations

Suppress record/s from publish/delivery should be unchecked.

Synchronize with OCLC should be Publish Bibliographic records.

Procedures in Alma

Action log



Point Person

Expected Completion Date

Last action taken

Next action required


Point Person

Expected Completion Date

Last action taken

Next action required

Articulate the need for the policy (background)

Oct 14, 2016 



Create a Policy Statement

Nov 11, 2016 



Identify and create best practice recommendations

Nov 11, 2016



Where applicable, identify and write up procedures in Alma

Nov 11, 2016




Tasks to be completed

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