2022-04-5 Meeting notes


Apr 5, 2022


  • @Meghann Weldon (Unlicensed)

  • Chris Lee

  • Holly Richmond

  • David Rocha

  • Danny Soares

  • Christina Misuraca Dwyer

  • Stacy Caron



 Discussion topics










ULMS Steering Update/Takeaways


  • Adriana will serve another term as ULMS COLD liaison

    Brandon submitted and met with ExLibris regarding the satisfaction survey. Many of the items already have solutions in progress and others will be down the road. None of the items he named were specific to resource sharing. It sounds like some of the discovery items would make the biggest impacts for Resource Sharing and the fixes aren’t going to be immediate. 

    Brandon attends an Alma working group, the latest takeaway is that a group is forming to approach ExL about issues regarding Salesforce cases. Issues specifically being, inability to see cases that exist to inform staff of outstanding solutions or upcoming solutions for shared issues. 

    Ex Libris suggested Rialto and Leganto adoptions at a consortia level. It  may be explored in the distant future after information is gathered from libraries utilizing these systems. 

Website work

Stacy: looks relevant still may need another review after Rapido implementation. Checked the links. Notes are all in the spreadsheet.

Danny: in reviewing the webpages found the comment form - where do the comments go? Danny will send in another comment and Chris will look for its destination. 

Tina: went over how to guides. Found broken links and some procedures that may not result in completed request. Made comments on the spreadsheet. 

Share progress and overview of observations. Identify next steps. 

Wiki Updates.xlsx

Next steps: how to go about actions of making the identified changes. Who and how many of us can edit? Potential approach: Make new text in a Google Doc and link it to the spreadsheet.Duplicate the page that needs to be updated for Rapido, rename duplicated page to include Rapido name. When ready can archive the old page and keep the Rapido relevant content on the landing page. 


Task forces


Did the SUNY/CSU+ team connect?

  • Not yet. Will send a Doodle today

Has the ILLiad team met? 

Tina reached out and folks are focused on Rapido. Natalya is working on getting Sara Juel to share about 9.2 and that may inspire need for exploration or task force work but there currently isn’t any. 


Overdue and lost items


Chris - work on web formatting guideline, pending

Meghann- Edit webpages to a better format


CSU+ issue


Borrowing status of “Created Borrowing Request” status seems to be happening at every library regardless of Rapido configuration. This makes it so all requests are mediated. 

Chris will send out another notice to community. Has a salesforce case out. 

Looks like pretty much everyone is having the “Created Borrowing Request” issue I made a high priority Salesforce and will continue to independently search for a solution. In the meantime you can push your stuck requests to the Rota by recalculating the rota.




CSU+ discovery issue


Libraries with display logic rules that aren’t by patron type are showing the link prior to login. This could lead to “can’t request” questions and frustrations by individuals who shouldn’t be able to request. 

Chris provided a solution via email. 

Several campuses reported an error where the CSU+ link began to appear when patrons were not signed in. Clicking the link didn’t bring up the request form, but it could be confusing. Thankfully Ex Libris support and Stacy Magedanz have a solution! If you make a display logic rule that hides Resource Sharing for patrons from X role the link won’t show up when the patron isn’t signed in. Since we don’t want to hide the role from our actual patrons it is recommended to use an unused role or make a dummy role to block Resource Sharing with. Below is an example of the Rule from San Bernardino:




 Action items

Chris will fix comment form linked on home page cwlee@calstate.edu

Chris create webpage format. cwlee@calstate.edu

Holly and Tina will meet to work on updating the how to guides in a google document. hrichmon@calpoly.edu cmisuraca@csuchico.edu

Meghann lost and overdue into a word doc to update these webpages. Meghann Weldon
