2019-07-24 Meeting notes


Jul 24, 2019


  • @Natasha Allen (Unlicensed) (SJSU) (Chair)

  • @Tracy Gilmore (CSULB)

  • Margot Hanson (Maritime)

  • @Laura Krier

  • Marco Ruiz (CSUCI)

  • @Karen Schlesser (Unlicensed) (SJSU)

  • Kimberley Smith (Fresno)

Regrets: Elizabeth Altman, Kate Barron, Stacie Jensen, Marc Langston, Lauren Magnuson, Jennifer Rogers


Discussion topics



  • License Information for Tableau Task Force - Natasha (on behalf of Lauren)

    1. 2 Creator licenses - creators are able to upload data

      1. Lauren

      2. Karen (Tracy will take it on after Karen is done)

    2. 5 Explorer Licenses - explorers are not able to upload data but can manipulate data that is already available

      1. Natasha

      2. Tracy

      3. Margot

      4. Laura

      5. TBA

  • Review the work plan for 2019-2020 - All

    1. There are point people assigned on the timeline but the idea is that more folks will be assigned as needed.

  • Questions? Comments? - All

  1. Margot - wants to know how to get assigned to confluence

Action items


@Natasha Allen (Unlicensed) Natasha will assign keys
Lauren will create the site to begin uploading data
Creators (Karen and Lauren) will begin uploading data for manipulation
@Laura Krier and Karen will pulling and/or manipulate data before uploading
Karen will work on grabbing YoY data as requested by some deans
Once data is uploaded explorers can begin creating vizzes
Natasha will update confluence with 2019-20 membership

Next Meeting Agenda Items

Note: Our next meeting will be Wednesday, August 28th at 2pm via Zoom


  • We will discuss the types of vizzes we want to add