EBSCO Support: Guidelines for Opening a Case

When reaching out to EBSCO Support, it is helpful if you provide the following information.

Steps taken that results in the error or issue including:

  • What database are you searching?

  • Where you started the search (EBSCO database link, EBSCO discovery service or other vendor discovery, etc.)? 

  • What search was performed?

  • What record was trying to be accessed (title of the article/publication name and provide AN number from detailed display, if possible)?

  • If possible, provide test credentials so that we can test the issue as a user of your library.

  • Include screenshots of the error or issue is helpful as well. 

  • Videos showing the steps taken are always welcome.

 This is the ideal information for a faster resolution.

After logging into EBSCO Connect, there is a Live Chat option. Support is Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. ET.

Click on Live Chat button

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Click on Live Chat button

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