2021-05-26 Meeting notes


May 26, 2021


  • @Carmen Mitchell

  • @David Walker

  • @Daina Dickman (Unlicensed)

  • @Alyssa Loera (Unlicensed)

  • @Lia Ryland (Unlicensed)

  • @Mark Bilby (Unlicensed)

  • @Mark Stover (Unlicensed)

Not in attendance:

@Lana Wood (Unlicensed)



Discussion topics









5 minutes

CSU East Bay OA Policy approved!

@Carmen Mitchell

Congratulations, Lana! https://library.csueastbay.edu/OA/FullPolicy

5 minutes

Update on Annual DigRepo meeting

@Carmen Mitchell

10 minutes

Recruiting for new committee members

@Carmen Mitchell

  • Send out a reminder after the first week of June.

  • Carmen is happy to speak to people directly about the workload.

5 minutes

Planning for annual report

@Carmen Mitchell

Send bullet points to Carmen by June 15th. Carmen will put them together in a draft for the next meeting.

5 minutes

Migration project update/ Digital Archives Repository update

@David Walker

Migration is complete. Handful of records that have issues…will need to be migrated over manually.

Still doing data clean-up, handle migrations, this has been delayed.
Still working on new features with Notch8. Project is reaching a plateau.
Met with DAWG recently. What do we need to do for the next set of planning for the Digital Archives Repository. Some of this goes back to pre-DRC. DAWG has been compiling requirements for the repository.

Once we have all the requirements, need to put together a plan for the repository, including costs for storage and staffing. Aiming to finish the data gathering over the summer. DAWG is hoping to wrap this up in July.

Planning to have an initial timeline in early Fall.

Action items
