2021-03-24 Meeting notes


Mar 24, 2021


  • @Carmen Mitchell

  • @Alyssa Loera (Unlicensed)

  • @Daina Dickman (Unlicensed)

  • @David Walker

  • @Lia Ryland (Unlicensed)

  • @Mark Bilby (Unlicensed)

  • @Mark Stover (Unlicensed)

  • Not in attendance: @Lana Wood (Unlicensed)



Discussion topics









5 minutes

Information sharing

@Carmen Mitchell

  • Annual meeting planning/prep

    • Proposals are trickling in - 6 as of Monday! CFP will close at the end of the month.

    • Will set aside time for the working groups to present. They do not need to propose something specific.

    • Mark Stover and Amy K from Sac State met with several people, including folks from OGC about a system wide OA policy. Panel discussion at the meeting on Green OA would be good.

  • Withdrawal policy update

    • Currently with the CSU OGC.

  • FYI from @Mark Bilby (Unlicensed) Recent sessions of the Expert Finder Systems International Forum have featured several excellent presentations/demonstrations of Researcher Information Management Systems, all of which are open source projects. At the request of the DigRepo steering committee, I’m reporting back with links to session recordings so others can easily access these as well.


    Detailed program info: https://cimes-web-dev.cimes.fsu.edu/FSU/CIMES/efs/programfull.cfm


    Feb 18th morning session: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2NFlqWrJAeQ

    • Harvard Med School’s homegrown Profiles Research Networking Software (RNS)

    • Clarivate and Texas A&M on VIVO 

    Feb 25th afternoon session: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=arvgpXuAKnw

    • Cornell’s homegrown ReCiter (machine learning publication finding and disambiguation tool)

    • Penn State’s homegrown Researcher Metadata Database (integrates with ORCID and Samvera)


    On a different note, for those interested in Open Data/Science, CLIR had a great selection of presenters for their recent (Feb 10) “Toward Open, Reproducible, and Reusable Research” conference (https://reusableresearch.com/) and have now made video recordings available.


  • MWG meeting postponed to 3/25.

Evaluation of RIMS across the UCs.

20 minutes

DAWG update/questions

@Alyssa Loera (Unlicensed)

DAWG met on 3/22. Working on cleaning up some loose ends.

DAMS evaluation: annotated version is now available. Walk-through will be available at the upcoming open forum. Hoping that the data sheet will give DAWG a lot of information about what folks are using and what they need in a DAMS.

Using meeting time between now and the end of the academic year to normalize the results. Will report back. Maybe report back at the DigRepo annual meeting? (YES!)

Eric Beck: STIM digitization survey last year. Got all the campuses to participate. How can we combine the data? Decide the next move from there.

Simplified digital preservation guidelines for CSU. Maybe this should live in confluence? (yes!) This is not meant to be comprehensive, just meant to be a starting point. Happy to take feedback on this document.

Request for @David Walker to attend an upcoming DAWG meeting to talk about timeline and future planning.


10 minutes

Gathering, Surfacing, and Highlighting Faculty and Student Works from Underrepresented Groups

/ Developing Campus Splash Pages

@Mark Bilby (Unlicensed)

Working on competing for an award. How many Spanish language items are in the IR? Can a campus display a branding that displays an affinity for local campuses and local communities. How can we be more inclusive with our digital presence? How do we practice diversity more in our depository workflows.

Not a lot of space for customization within the system-wide IR. Will discuss with the project managers.

Could this be something that ORCID could do? If they had a voluntary opt-in demographic field?

Tricky to get demographics vs positionality. Not always so useful…you’d need to do a comprehensive research project.

@David Walker will add the issue of campus specific splash pages to the upcoming project managers meeting.





Action items
