Working in the NZ Analytics instance


It appears that all Analytics fields and data reportable at the IZ level are also available at the NZ level. There are advantages to this but also potential problems.

  • Reports can be run at the NZ level that combine the data from multiple campuses or allow comparison of local inventory to the NZ

  • Example reports include:


    • Total physical items or expenditures system-wide, by institution, by material type, etc.

    • Resource sharing or fulfillment statistics system-wide or by institution

    • Duplication between an institution's e-inventory and available e-inventory in the NZ

This has important implications:

As a group, we feel that access to NZ Analytics will be an essential tool, especially during the data cleanup immediately after Go Live, so we would like to propose that one person at each campus be assigned a login limited to the Design Analytics role.

  • Sarina supports this idea (3/22/2017):  "Thanks for bringing this up, I think that it does make sense for campuses to have access to the read-only Analytics view of the NZ."

  • Further information and/or login details (generic or individual) to follow when Brandon returns to the office.