Multivolume and Multiple Copy Processing

ATTENTION!: This workflow is no longer necessary due to a recent development. Change the following setting and then you can stop doing this part of the workflow, it would just be an extra step.

Go to Alma Configuration → Resource Sharing → General → Move to Branch Automation and make sure only the Automatically create move or digitization request for incoming request and the For serial items are checked. Set the For serial items to Always.

With this change, along with the newest version of the printed letters, you will no longer need to do the move request steps for both physical and digital items.

Original Page to be archived:

ATTENTION!: This is impacting our current CSU+ items. Please do this once daily starting now.

Walkthrough Video



When a patron requests a specific volume, or volumes, in Rapido they can technically input any information in the field. If they want the first volume in a set the could write: 1, volume 1, one, volume one, the first volume, etc. Since this is so variable, Rapido needs staff to attach a specific volume to the request before it moves to the Being Processed status for printing.

Requests that can be filled by multiple copies or volumes go to the Created Lending Request status. I recommend making a set for all items in the Created Lending Request status with the Physical requested format to easily see what items need to be processed.

Once you find requests in this set click anywhere that is not linked text on the request in Alma.

Picture of a Rapido Lending request.

This will open up the request information pane on the right side of the screen. You will want to take a mental note of the information put in by the user to see if they want a specific volume or the whole set. In the below example the patron wanted volumes A and B. After figuring out the patron’s volume note, click the ellipses at the top of the pane.

In the resulting menu select Create Move Request to attach the request to a specific volume. This will open a pop up where you can select all the items associated with this request. If possible select Choose specific item and navigate to the Description drop down box. In this box you can select the volume you want the request attached to. Click Create Request.

It is currently only possible to select one volume for the record. If they want multiple volumes select one volume and click + Add Note. You can then write in a note that will print on the pull slip to tell the person pulling the book to grab multiple volumes.

The request will now be moved to the Being Processed status where you can print the CSU+ pull slips.

Shipping Multiple Volumes

Once the items have been pulled it is time to ship them to the Borrowing library. This is done similarly to how you would process them in traditional Alma. Go to Fulfillment → Resource Sharing → Shipping Items and make sure to check the Multiple items box before scanning the barcode. Scan both barcodes and ship the item.