2021-11-17 ULMS Steering Committee Meeting Agenda


Nov 17, 2021




Brandon's Zoom - https://calstate.zoom.us/my/bdudley


@Adriana Popescu @David Walker @Nerissa Lindsey @Christina Hennessey (Unlicensed) @Christian Ward @Ilda Cardenas (Unlicensed) @Kelly Ann Sam (Unlicensed) @Brinna Pam Anan @Karla Salinas (Unlicensed)

Discussion topics










Call To Order

@brandon dudley (Unlicensed)



COLD Update

@Adriana Popescu
@David Walker


The CSU-UC Reciprocal Lending Agreement has been endorsed by COLD. The report done by Chris Lee on IFM between UC and CSUs was helpful and appreciated by COLD. CSU Sacramento hosted two orientation to Esploro sessions for COLD. COLD completed the review and input for the Director of Systemwide Digital Library position vacated by Eddie Choi. The agenda for the COLD meeting in December is under development. CSU is now in negotiations with Elsevier for the renewal of our journal package subscription.


Editing ULMS Committee charge

@brandon dudley (Unlicensed)

Charge needs to be amended to reflect the current committee configuration.



Committee Business


  • Inclusive Description TF update

  • Linked Data TF proposal

  • ArchivesSpace TF?

  • NZ OCLC Record refresh request from the NZTF



Satisfaction Survey

@brandon dudley (Unlicensed)



Big Idea Of The Month

@Christina Hennessey (Unlicensed)



Committee Updates


Committee Updates


Assessment & Analytics

@Christina Hennessey (Unlicensed)

ULMS Assessment & Analytics Functional Committee met November 10, 2021 11am-noon

  1. Brandon Dudley from the Chancellor’s Office shared an update from a meeting he had on November 10, 2021 with Asaf Kline of Ex Libris on consortial needs. They will be looking for consortia to beta test some new “Out of the Box” Analytics reports for consortia on overlap analysis and the CSUs will help test. More to come on timing, the nature, and the location of these reports.

  2. More discussion plans on a ULMS-wide session on Analytics. January 2022 is too soon for the ideas we have so it will be later in Spring 2022, we will send a survey to the ULMS shortly for ideas on format & topics.

  3. The group shared their updates on the committee wiki, we are continuing to remove outdated pages, reorganize and update screenshots and instructions on useful pages. Many pages continue to focus on the 2017 migration (there is another place on the wiki to archive these pages, which we are doing) and ULMS-specific training (of which Ex Libris and user groups are providing updated training all the time). We continue to improve the wiki, not just for our own CSU folks, but for other Ex Libris libraries that discover our pages.

  4. We continue to review and update the shared Analytics reports and dashboards in this folder and its subfolders: Shared Folders/Community/Reports/Institutions/CalState. There is a tedious process for renaming and deleting folders in the Shared Folders area that we are working through. We have reached out to former chairs with help on the history of this folder.

  5. Review of some recent Analytics webinars: the use of the Primo Analytics example dashboard; and the use of drill-down reports. Links to the latest Analytics webinars can be always found on the committee wiki under sections “Upcoming Analytics & Assessment webinars” and “Recent Analytics & Assessment webinars”

Next meeting: Wednesday, December 8, 2021 11am-noon


@Christian Ward

Since the last ULMS Steering Committee meeting, the DFC sponsored a special session webinar on indexing ArchiveSpace records into Primo VE. The session was led by Samuel Barber and was well attended. Recording and documentation can be found online at:

The DFC is scheduled to meet Friday, November 19.

Upcoming DFC Meeting Topics

  • Primo/Primo VE Search Scope Research Findings

    • Review work by Gabriel Gardner and Heather Cribbs on Primo search scope analysis across the CSU.

  • Wiki page content review and refresh

    • Update site content to better organize Primo VE information.

    • DFC is reviewing the content and providing a recommended organization.

    • The discovery group will then be survey for feedback on the recommended organization and user suggestions.

  • Discovery and Primo VE Evaluation Slack channels

    • Are both Chanels needed now that we have migrated?

    • Suggested action is to remove the Primo VE Evaluation channel.

  • Open Forum Topics for December 10th @ 1pm - Open Forum - TBD / Primo VE Tips and Tricks

    • Last open forum topics were selected by discovery users, and the response was well received.

    • Survey discovery group again for upcoming topics and select the top two items.


@Ilda Cardenas (Unlicensed)



@Kelly Ann Sam (Unlicensed)

The FFC has been meeting on a biweekly basis but will not be meeting again until December 01, 2021. This past month we have completed the following:

  1. Reviewed FFC Reopening/COVID survey and sent out a summary of results to the Access Services listserv

  2. Reviewed feedback from our meeting with Ex Libris about FFC’s top fulfillment issues

  3. Sent out Leganto Survey to Access Services listserv to gather feedback about which CSUs have Leganto, how they are using it, and what campuses are interested in learning about Leganto. We are hoping to get a volunteer to demo their version of Leganto for an Open Forum

Resource Management

@Brinna Pam Anan

The ULMS Resource Management Functional Committee met Tuesday, November 2, 2021 from 1-2 PM.

  1. ULMS RMFC meetings are still scheduled monthly on the first Tuesday of the month from 1-2 PM for 2022.

  2. Brandon successfully helped recruit for the open position on the RMFC. The position has been filled by Jill Strykowski from SJSU who also volunteered to act as Vice-Chair. Pam will be Chair for 2021-2022 with Jill taking over Chair responsibilities for 2022-2023.

  3. As the Inclusive Description Task Force needs a "chair" or head and members to support its work, recruitment for it will take place in January 2022. If recruitment doesn't work, then a soft ask to potential members will be initiated. Ideally, a member of the RMFC should also sit on the Task Force to act as liaison to the RMFC.

  4. The RMFC discussed if there needs to be a CSU policy regarding cataloging free online/e-resources. As there are pros and cons to cataloging these resources, the committee decided a poll would be best to help with the decision. A poll was created and will be sent the week of November 22 at the latest to the CSU Cataloging Contacts.

  5. In tandem with the above issue, the question about shared cataloging came up once more. The RMFC would like to find out how many staff/faculty at each campus perform cataloging to see if the CSU would have enough resources to pool together to have an effective group to do centralized cataloging.

  6. And in tandem again, the RMFC is open to meetings regarding shared cataloging with library partners outside of the CSUs. Nerissa is assisting with reaching out to UCSD to schedule said meeting(s).


Our next RMFC meeting (with Jill this time) will be held on Tuesday, December 7, 2021 from 1-2 PM. This meeting will be the last RMFC meeting of 2021. The first meeting of 2022 will be held on Tuesday, January 4, 2022 from 1-2 PM.

Resource Sharing

@Karla Salinas (Unlicensed)

CSU+ and holidays

The RSFC has sent out a survey to gather information regarding the upcoming November and December breaks. The purpose is to provide Unity a cohesive list to the varying operational needs the CSUs. This also provides the RSFC with the necessary information to adjust the usual CSU+ system settings and account  for possible reduced staffing  during these time frames. We will continue to update our confluence page to provide our community of practice guidance and recommendations on what responsibilities fall within the scope of the RSFC versus each individual campus. 


Social Hours

The RSFC hosted a Zoom social in the month of October for an unstructured checked-in regarding re-populating the library building. The question posed was “How are things going?” The participants Responses were visualized with a word cloud generated in real time:


The participants’ responses demonstrated a general trend of feeling overstretched. Based on the responses, the RSFC will increase efforts to boost morale and foster positive interactions among CSU colleagues. We will encourage participation during I-SPIE TV for members to share what things or habits spark joy during these challenging times time. We linked  greeting/thank you cards on our confluence page  that can be printed and shared freely digitally or through our Unity courier. 


Reciprocal Agreements

With COLD’s approval of the UC/CSU reciprocal agreements, the RSFC is continuing to move forward with strengthening the resource sharing partnership between both systems. 


Rapido Resource Sharing

The Rapido Task force is continuing with testing. Current testing involves Rapido’s feature of processing non-returnable – electronic files which are typically materials born digital or digitized from print.

Action items
