2020-10-09 Meeting Agenda


Oct 9, 2020 1-2:30 pm


  • @John Wenzler @Adriana Popescu @brandon dudley (Unlicensed) @Natalya Magazino (Unlicensed) @ANGEL PICHARDO (Unlicensed) @Kate Holvoet (Unlicensed) @Mark Braden (Unlicensed) @Nerissa Lindsey @Mike DeMars (Unlicensed) @David Walker @Jamie Lamberti (Unlicensed) @Gabriel Gardner (Unlicensed) @Laura Krier

  • Notes – Adriana



Discussion topics











@John Wenzler

Chris Lee will start his position as Resource Sharing Manager at the Chancellor’s Office on Monday, October 12.


Customer Survey

@brandon dudley (Unlicensed)

Staff and chairs survey has been distributed and 50 responses have been received so far. Single responses are preferred; if an already submitted response needs to be amended work with @brandon dudley (Unlicensed) . Brandon will look for trends from staff responses and will draft a report to be shared with the committee by mid November. The report for ExL will include issues that are actionable and detailed and it will be discussed with the ExL customer success representative in spring. Negotiations for the contract renewal are expected to start in April or May.


Primo VE

@brandon dudley (Unlicensed)

We will begin testing/evaluating in January with an expected go live in summer 2021. Depending on the outcome of the testing, we can decide not to go with Primo VE. Users should not see any changes during the testing and if implemented, users will see no difference with Primo VE. The formal testing group is already formed.


CSU+ Update

@Natalya Magazino (Unlicensed)

17 CSU libraries are currently participating in CSU+. Several others have indicated they are planning to restart sometime within the next month although exact dates are still TBD. It appears all issues have been worked out for those who have restarted. The RSFC has created a data snapshot presentation for Thursday’s I-SPIE TV episode which can be viewed here:  https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1HJ2B3Ij1lvcFjbDkvXHK1cvD7f36PhFKIUffTfgLtUs/edit?usp=sharing

September data is much better than August. Lending turnaround time is very good, demonstrating that partner libraries are filling requests fairly quickly. Borrowing turnaround time varies greatly and likely reflects the use of varying quarantine periods for incoming materials. The borrowing fill rate has always been somewhat of a problem with CSU+ but has been notably worse since we restarted. This is a result of so many inactive libraries. However, you can see that it has improved significantly from August to September. Overall, things are looking good with a lot of requests having been filled.


Requests to check out materials to students from other CSU campuses

@John Wenzler

COLD has been discussing this week. I would like to discuss with ULMS Steering so that we can advise COLD on ULMS capabilities and staff workload implications.

Background document:

Action items:

  1. Jaime will update the Walk-in patron procedures with procedures that can be used during the pandemic. Laura shared written procedures from SSU that could be used systemwide

  2. John will inform COLD that the procedures exist so that libraries can start checking out books to patrons from other campuses if they are prepared to do so

  3. Decision about a systemwide walk-in patron policy (and possible work on a pickup anywhere effort) will be deferred until we have returned to more normal operations


Functional Committee Updates



Summary Slides from last meeting:

Assessment & Analytics

Please share feedback with Laura on the goals.

  1. Goals for 2020-21

    1. Overlap analysis between IZ and NZ content in collaboration with the ERM group

    2. Assessment of whether the Analytics migration resolved the performance issues

    3. Continued review/update of ACRL reports

    4. Data visualization task force work -- wrap up? Implementation? 

  2. Usage data analysis for ECC content

  3. Satisfaction survey


Our first Open Forum was on September 18th; notes are here and a recording is linked as well: 

We informed (via the Open Forum) the campuses that will need to participate in Primo VE testing. No additional areas of Primo VE analysis were suggested from the community of practice at the open forum.

Our next issue of business for the DFC is fleshing out the areas of analysis into concrete, objective procedures for comparing Primo VE to our existing Primo NUI production instances.

To better respond to Brandon’s Chairs’ survey, we are running our own Discovery Community of Practice Satisfaction Survey to understand issues and then filter them appropriately to Brandon in aggregate; that survey is available at: https://forms.gle/uEf5vYfLFvVRzdio6


  • Sept. 24 TS Open Forum CDI 101 -
    -94 attendees
    -recording, slides, and chat available here:
    -Oct 8 follow-up by Stacy Magedanz

  • Jessica Hartwigsen has adjusted some CDI settings in the NZ and will be expanding that change: She's going to change the OA full text e-collections that are Link in Record using the two settings they suggested:

    • Activate for CDI search and activate CDI-only full-text option

    • She thinks with will help with linking to OA articles. Please let her know if this has negative effects.

    • She has already done this for the Database-only resources that are Link in Record in the NZ.

  • Ongoing investigation into non-subscribed CDI collections showing up for member campuses

  • Chair Survey


  • The Locker Task Force is continuing to collect documentation for the configuration and use of lockers. We will post those, along with pictures of lockers on various campuses, to the task force wiki.

  • We are in the process of updating the Fulfillment wiki to provide better organization of workflows, configuration guides, meeting notes, and COVID specific documentation.

  • Continued update of the Recommendations for Reopening and Quarantining Items as libraries start to provide more services.

  • Continue to develop/consult with others on helpful documentation to be posted on the wiki, such as digitization configuration and new UI tips.

Resource Management

1. Sent forward for review by the SC, two items:

  •  Authority Control Task Force recommendations

  • Import Profiles Using the NZ

2. Discussing ideas/topics for the Chairs Satisfaction Survey. Will help convene a TS Forum time to hear ideas/viewpoints, intending to help folk in the Libraries articulate their views. Following Brandon’s concerns, we’ll try to help folk vent their experiences with ExL and articulate outcomes/actions to describe, when they complete the Staff Survey. In short, avoid simply ‘venting’—offer something more concrete that can help shape Brandon’s conversations with ExL.

 3. Continuing to monitor/discuss content in videos/presentations about Primo VE, to do two things:

  • help the RM committee build a strong sense of Norm Rule configuration/use in Primo Back Office and Primo VE

  • build understanding of Norm Rules and uses, to help ensure that the whole committee can engage and participate helpfully during VE Evaluation

Resource Sharing

The committee tested the Scan In Interface - Allow check in of shipped items from Alma’s July release. It works great and will help with a problem we’ve had with lending requests getting completed without having gone out. We’re in the process of documenting procedures for configuring and will share with our community of practice. 17 libraries are currently participating in CSU+. See CSU+ update for more details.

Parking Lot

  • ICPSR records

  • Shared Cataloging

  • ICPSR records – see emails

Action items
