ILLiad as Lender of Last Resort

Rapido can now process all types of Resource Sharing requests, but the Alma Resource Sharing network is still small compared to the OCLC network, so there will be items that aren't filled in Rapido that need to be pushed to ILLiad. If you want to have the Resource Sharing Manager (RSM) set up ILLiad as Lender of Last Resort at your library please contact Christopher Lee at

Ex Libris Directions for adding ILLiad as Lender of Last Resort:

CSU Guide

Not every part of the setup guide made by Ex Libris is necessary to set up ILLiad as the Lender of Last Resort in Alma. For a compressed guide follow the instructions below:

ILLiad Requirements

ILLiad and Alma still do not communicate perfectly. To push requests to ILLiad from Alma the ILLiad username must be one of the following:

  • First part of University email. (Example: cwlee)

  • University email. (Example:

  • Alma PID

    • If your Alma PID happens to be coded as the same number as the ILLiad Username they can communicate. (Example: both could be the University ID Number.)

If your ILLiad Username isn't on the above list it may not be able to communicate with Alma. Contact the RSM to double check the settings at

ILLiad also needs to be at least version 9.2.


To be a partner of last resort ILLiad needs to be a partner in Alma. To add a partner you must have the Resource Sharing Partners Manager role. If you have the necessary role go to Alma → Fulfillment → Resource Sharing → Partners and select Add Partner to make the ILLiad partner.

General Information

On the General Information tab add the following settings:

  • Code: ILLiad

  • Profile Type: NCIP

  • System Type: ILLiad

  • Supports Borrowing:

  • Supports Lending:

  • Name: ILLiad

  • Status: Active

  • Borrowing Workflow: Borrowing NZ workflow

  • Lending Workflow: Lending NZ Workflow


The parameters tab has some changes depending on what you named certain settings in your institution zone. Certain parameters also depend on local preference. The following settings are for libraries where the ILLiad Username is the first part of the university email (the most common setup in the CSU).

General Information

  • User Identifier Type: (Field matching ILLiad Username or Primary Identifier)

  • User Identifier Regex: (If your ILLiad username is the first part of the university email before the @ symbol then the regex should be ^[^@]* . Otherwise leave blank.

  • Broker System NCIP URL:

  • Disable Service When: Never

  • Loan Period: 90

  • Request Pushing Method: Link

  • URL Template: (Leave Blank)

  • Enable Service For Guest User: No

  • Default Library Owner: (Your Library)

Request Item

  • Bibliographic Record ID Type: OCLC Number

  • Default Location: Resource Sharing Long Loan

  • Support Borrowing:

  • Default Pickup Library: (Your Library)

Check-Out Item

  • Default Location: Resource Sharing Long Loan

  • Default Item Policy: (Your general checkout policy)

Accept Item

  • Default Location: Resource Sharing Long Loan

  • Automatic Receive:

  • Default Pickup Library: (Your Library)

  • Receive Desk: (Your Circulation Desk)

Look Up User

  • Require Authentication: No


Export To Third Party

  • Export to third party: Using API

  • URL: https://[library]

  • Export Request ID Name Tag: ReferenceNumber

  • Close Request When Exported:

  • Create User In ILLiad: (Required if using the Regex)

  • Search User In ILLiad Using: Email Address (if using the Regex)

  • NVTGC: (Leave Blank)

  • Status: (Leave Blank)

  • Notification Preference: (Leave Blank)

  • Notification Method: Electronic

  • Delivery Method: Hold For Pickup

  • Loan Delivery Method: Hold For Pickup

  • Electronic Delivery: No

  • Auth type: Default

  • API Key: (Unique API Key created by ILLiad see next section)

Create User Fiscal Transaction

  • Create Fee Using: Ignore Message


Create ILLiad API Key

To complete the Partner profile in Alma for ILLiad you will need to generate an API Key in ILLiad Customization Manager. Atlas Systems has a guide on how to generate the API Key here: Configuring the ILLiad Web Platform.

Rota Template

After the Partners profile is complete it is time to put it in a rota. We recommend making a new rota with just ILLiad.

General Information

  • Code: ILLiad

  • Type: Ordered

  • Name: ILLiad Partner

  • Status: Inactive (switch to Active at go live)

Template Members

Select ILLiad Partner as the only partner in the rota.

Rota Assignment Rule

The ILLiad rota will need to have a rota assignment rule to ensure the right items go to ILLiad at the correct times. The rule should have the following input and output parameters.

Input Parameters

  • Name: Requested Format

  • Operator: Is Not Empty

  • Value: -


Output Parameters

  • Rota Templates: ILLiad


Once the rule has been created you will want to make sure it is the final rule on your Institution Rules List. This will ensure this Rota is used after the other rotas.