Local Field for Course Reserves (Restricted)



Document status

APPROVED Dec 9, 2016 ; REVIEWED Jul 3, 2019 

Area covered

cataloging, course reserves, discovery

Lead Author

Technical Services Working Group Leads


Access Services & Resource Sharing Working Group



Alma functionality supports the use of a "course_restricted_field" entered in the bibliographic MARC record to indicate whether the bibliographic record is restricted for use by a course. The content in the MARC field "CR_RESTRICTED" controls display in Primo by restricting the display of these resources (often instructors' personal copies) to appear only under the Course Reserves tab. The current default system-generated field used by Alma is "999 $a." This field can be added automatically by selecting the check box during the creation of a brief citation for a reading list.

Policy Statement

While libraries are allowed to use any local field for course restricted functionality, it is recommended that CSU libraries use the default system-generated field (999 $a CR_RESTRICTED) for this purpose.

Note: Policy will be revised if problem arises with the use of 999 field, which is currently reserved for use by OCLC.

Action log



Point Person

Expected Completion Date

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Point Person

Expected Completion Date

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Articulate the need for the policy (background)

TS Working Group Leads

Nov 17, 2016

During migration, libraries reported need to identify a local field to support CR_RESTRICTED functionality. After discussions with campuses and Ex Libris, it was decided to use current default system-generated field.

To be discussed with Access Services & Resource Sharing Working Group.


Finalize Policy Statement

TS Working Group and Access Services

Dec 9, 2016