2016-07-13 Meeting notes




  • Brainstorm reading list application requirements

Discussion items

55minBrainstorm reading list
application requirements
  • Easy way for faculty to add (or request) resources to be added
  • Existing models
    • Primo is a good starting point (export to LMS)
    • Leganto is probably a better model
    • Alma's reading list is kind of clunky
  • Users
    • Faculty
    • Librarian
    • Students
      • Can comment
      • Mark progress
  • Sharing
    • With people in a course
    • With anyone outside the course
    • Other people can copy your list and make one for themselves
    • Search the metadata of lists
      • Mapping of course names to some standard vocabulary
      • Grab course lists from all campuses to make this
  • Finding and uploading resources
    • Books, articles through a search
    • Entering a resource manually
    • Databases
    • Websites
    • History of what has been added
    • Recommendations
      • Based on previous things you've added
      • Items from other reading lists
    • Digitized instructor-owned material
      • Asset could be stored by the application or in a repository?
      • Copyright management (something we can check)
        • Check Alma digitization request for example of the type of data we would need here
    • Physical items
      • Creates a request to put the book on reserves
  • Management and organization
    • Organize by type
    • Organize by week or part of the course
    • Make available only a limited time or for specific people
      • Moodle, Blackboard, Canvas has something like this
    • Add comments/descriptions to the reading list and for the items
      • Text, links, etc.
  • Usage / reporting
    • How many people viewed the item
    • Time spent on an item
    • Sense of who used the item (unique users)
    • Customized reports based on the data
      • Aggregated data across all courses, by major, etc.
    • Export reports in CSV
    • Better idea of what to track here once we know what is possible
  • Book store / AL$ type projects
    • Get a list of ISBNs from book store and compare that to library's e-book collection to show already owned books.
    • Maybe push those to the LMS in some way

Action items

  • David Walker will send out brainstorm list to group to begin shaping it into phases or requirements Â