3rd Party Integration Priorities and Development Policy



Document status


Area covered

discovery, systems

Lead Author

@Keven Jeffery (Unlicensed)


Discovery Leads



Policy Statement

This policy describes the make up and practices of the working group reponsible for setting 3rd party integration priorities and leading development for these integrations. It addresses how requests for 3rd party integration development are submitted, considered and implemented.

Best practice recommendations


There are three types of third party integration options potentially available in Primo, those that can be added as options through the Primo Back Office with either local or global affect, those that can be added at the local level to the Primo web interface template, and those that will require software development or programming to integrate with Primo.

Evaluation Committee

Additions to the Primo Back Office and those that require software development will be evaluated monthly by an advisory committee made up of a representative from four CSU campuses and one representative from the Chancellor’s Office Systemwide Library Services group. Development of 3rd party applications at the local level to the Primo Web Interface, or to locally applied Primo settings will be evaluated by this same group for inclusion in a central repository as a resource.

Requests for additions and submissions to the web repository can be made via a form or as an email.


Local Back Office setting options and local web template additions should be communicated immediately to CSU campuses through a code repository, or similar online resource. Decisions regarding global Back Office settings should be made by the Advisory Committee at a monthly meeting, and if accepted implemented at the first opportunity. Decisions regarding additions that require software development to interface with Primo should be made within one month and referred to the CO Systemwide Library Services group for evaluation.

Additions to the Primo Back Office


3rd Party Integration Type



Evaluated By


Global Back Office Setting

WorldCat Link


Advisory Group

At first opportunity

Local Back Office Setting

Integration with ScholarWorks


Advisory Group

Immediate communication

Alma/Primo Programmatic

Authentication to Campus ID


Advisory Group /CO Library Services

Refer to CO

Web Template Addition

Text a Call Number (JS)


Advisory Group

Immediate communication


Action log



Point Person

Expected Completion Date

Last action taken

Next action required


Point Person

Expected Completion Date

Last action taken

Next action required

Articulate the need for the policy (background)

Oct 14, 2016 



Create a Policy Statement

Nov 11, 2016 



Identify and create best practice recommendations

Nov 11, 2016



Where applicable, identify and write up procedures in Alma

Nov 11, 2016




Tasks to be completed

Type your task here, using "@" to assign to a user and "//" to select a due date