Hide Duplicate "Sign In"
Sometimes Primo VE will display multiple sign-in links when the user is not signed-in for Rapido. The additional link can be removed by adding the following code to the Primo VE customization package.
Add the following code to the js/custom1.js
file in your local customization package before the final })();
// hide redundant sign in alert for Rapido
app.component('prmServiceNgrsAfter', {
bindings: {
parentCtrl: '<'
controller: function($document,$interval) {
var vm = this;
var guest = vm.parentCtrl.jwtUtilService.isGuest();
var out;
out = $interval(function() {
if (guest) {
var rapidosignin = $document[0].querySelector('prm-service-ngrs > prm-alert-bar');
if (rapidosignin != undefined){
rapidosignin.style.display = "none";
}, 100);
The script waits 3 seconds until the GetIt section is loaded into the browser so it can catch the html part and modify it.
If the browser loads GetIt section more than 3 seconds, the code will not hide the additional sign-in; if the browser loads the GetIt section faster than 3 seconds, the code will work but sometimes will still display the second sign-in button for a second before hiding it.