2021-04-16 Discovery Functional Committee Meeting notes


Apr 16, 2021 at 1:00PM


  • @Gabriel Gardner (Unlicensed), @David Walker, Christian Ward, @Christine Holmes, Cathy Outten, Paul Hottinger

  • Excused absence: Andrew Carlos

  • Guests: @Mike DeMars (Unlicensed)

Discussion topics








@Gabriel Gardner (Unlicensed)

  • Basecamp will exist for 1 month if/after we Go Live

  • The Google sheet tracking progress has a new sheet added to it tracking issues.

    • Refer to your emails for the link.

VE Eval:

VE Forums

@Gabriel Gardner (Unlicensed)

Next forum: April 30th

  • Topic:

    • Straw poll results;

    • simple results charts from testing;

    • General Feedback from campuses

VE Eval: Straw poll


Christian, Gabriel, and Brandon had a conversation on April 7th about running a straw poll to help inform the eventual decision which will be made by the DFC.

  • Straw poll will be sent out to Primo Admins on Monday, April 19 and accept responses through Friday, April 23.

VE Eval:

Testing procedures


  • We have less than 50% responding to the testing so far. The exception being load testing where the response rate is good.

  • Note: CSU+ testing is not covered in detail by the testing plan we devised. Campuses are urged to test CSU+ capabilities at their earliest convenience and report any issues.

VE Eval:
Dissemination of results / decision


  • Gabriel and Christian will be allocated 3 weeks to reviewing the data.

  • Date of decision: the Friday May 21st DFC meeting.

    • If we elect to Go on May 21st the ballpark live date for VE cutting over to production would be Monday June 21.

  • Jeannie Graham has asked if all testing data will be made public.

    • Yes; emails and personally identifying information will be redacted. Campus names/codes will be hashed. Eventually it will be up on the wiki.

  • Sneak peek at easily chart-able results during the April 30th VE Forum

  • COLD is not looking for a lengthy report. Rather we will put together a short executive summary of the process and the testing results and the rationale for our eventual decision.

VE Eval:

Post-decision timeline


  • If we elect to Go, some lead time is required, ballpark of 2 weeks on either side of the decision. (Campuses would still be able to work in VE while Ex Libris does some work, VE would not be ‘frozen’ for those 4 weeks.)

Action items
