2020-07-15 Meeting Notes


July 15, 2020


  • Jamie Lamberti, San Francisco (Chair, July 2020 – June 2021)

  • Kim Wobick, San Bernardino (Vice-Chair, July 2020 – June 2021)

  • Kelly Ann Sam, San Marcos (Member, July 2019 - June 2021)

  • Dawnelle Ricciardi, Sonoma (Member, July 2020 – June 2022)

  • Karolyn Grimm, Stanislaus (Member, July 2020 – June 2022)

  • Metassebia Hailu, East Bay (Member, July 2020 – June 2022)

Discussion Topics


Welcome back returning members:

  • Jamie Lamberti - San Francisco

  • Kim Wobick - San Bernardino

  • Kelly Ann Sam - San Marcos

Welcome new members:

  • Dawnelle Riccardi - Sonoma

  • Kari Grimm - Stanislaus

  • Meta Hailu - East Bay

Future Meeting Planning

  • Schedule

  • Note Rotation

  • ULMS Steering Committee

Meetings will continue each Wednesdays at 1pm

Note taking will be on a rotating basis, alphabetically by first name.

Action item: Jamie will create and send out note rotation schedule

Jamie also sits on the UMLS steering committee, which meets monthly. 

During the year a ULMS Steering Committee member (John or others) may join our meetings once or twice.

The Chancellor’s Office is looking into a representative who will sit on our committee.

FFC/RSFC Open Forum

  • Two sessions, dates TBD

  • Planning meeting Thu 7/16 10-11am

  • Topics below

The FFC and RSFC are planning two open forums in the coming weeks to assist with reopening plans.

The next planning meeting is tomorrow, July 16th at 10am, which is open to all new, returning, and past FFC and RSFC members.

Action item: Jamie will send the planning zoom invite to the group.

Goals for 2020/2021

  • Reopening checklist


  • Ideas below


  • A fulfillment reopening checklist similar to the CSU+ list created by the RSFC.

  • How will we handle book returns, are campuses still allowing items to be returned. Courtesy returns.



Next meeting Wed 7/22 1pm:

  • Review confluence and Google drive

  • Discuss tasks for the fulfillment reopening checklist

  • Continue discussion of ideas for 2020/2021 goals