Searching for Electronic Collections in CZ

Some suggestions for searching for electronic collections in the CZ.

Step-by-step guide

It takes practice locating the e-collection the library subscribes to but start basic and then narrow the search.  Try the search with the vendor's name and without. Try typing out the enter name of the package or using abbreviations of the package name.

Below are some hints to help with searching for the e-collection in the CZ.

  1. Start with a basic e-collection search using Electronic Collection > Keyword search
    1. Try the database name and narrow search using facets
    2. Try to search using abbreviations and no abbreviations
      1.  AAS vs. American Antiquarian Society
  2. Searching by vendor
    1. Use abbreviated vendor name
      1. EBSCO*
      2. Oxford Encyclo* vs Oxford Encyclopedia
        1. Sometimes the database name is not an exact match and typing out the complete word "encyclopedia" will not return results but using "encyclo*" will return search results.
    2. Use full vendor name
      1. EBSCOhost
      2. SpringerLink vs Springer Nature vs Springer
  3. Searching by package name
    1. If the library subscribes to a specific package, locate that package in the CZ
      1. Wiley Online Library Full Collection 2018 vs Wiley Online Library Database Model 2018
      2. JSTOR Arts and Sciences II vs JSTOR Arts & Sciences 2 Current
  4. Helpful Search Queries