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  • Next Generation Library Publishing Report: Library Publishing Infrastructure: Assembling New Solutions

    • “Notably, participants in our Community Engagement research agreed that their most pressing need was to improve their support framework for journal publishing. While individual library publishers and library publishing stakeholders discussed a range of additional content types that were of interest to them, including OERs, monographs, preprints, and datasets, participants repeatedly came back to journals as their core and still unresolved need. Specifically, they shared that they wanted to compete more effectively with commercial journal publishers and that to do so, they needed to offer more compelling journal publishing platforms and tools to faculty and editors and students” (p. 20).

  • Upcoming conferences

  • SFSU hosting next Black Lives Matter Wikipedia edit-a-thon Friday, April 16, 3-4:30 pm. Open to all CSU faculty and staff. To register: , go to

Increase Capacity for CSU-wide journal publishing

Melissa and Kyle

  • Kyle has drafted documentation for student authors

  • What are our options for a platform? The ability to embed video would be ideal. Dave can will look into this; we could possibly migrate the OJS guide back to Wordpress and host other documentation there as well.



  • LORDS group meeting with Mark Stover to discuss infrastructure and sustainability this week. This could take the form of a separate committee, but TBD.

  • Other campuses interested in getting involved are welcome to get in touch with jaime.

  • UCI is interested, UNC (specifically Chapel Hill), and UF have expressed interest in this project.

  • Presenting jaime will be presenting on this project at Digital Repositories Annual Meeting.

Open access documentation / ScholarWorks work forms


  • Update on ScholarWorks work form revisions (special thanks to Dana and Pam for sharing feedback from user testing!)

    • Publication Types: Article, book chapter, book, book review, report, white paper, proceeding.

      • Melissa will add pre-prints. Any others?

    • How should we deal with multi-author works with different campus affiliations?

      • We would not want to overload the author fields.

      • Can assign records to multiple collections, create duplicate records, or create a multi-campus set.

      • Perhaps department should not be required?

      • Could replicate nested collections for colleges/departments as in DSpace and Digital Commons, rather than faceted metadata. Submit “Submit to this collection collection” button exists in Hyrax.

      • Discussed ORCID as a potential solution for associating authors with particular campuses/colleges/departments

    • How have other campuses dealt with named colleges? What about departments/programs not in controlled list for ETDs?

      • Quite a few campuses have included other programs (e.g., the library)

    • Thoughts on Publishing Status field? (Published, Accepted, In Press, Submitted, Unpublished, Withdrawn)

      • in their department/college lists

  • Brainstorm ideas for content on open access documentation site

    • Why should you make your work open access?

    • How can you make your work open access?

      • Deposit your work in a repository

      • Choose an open access journal or publisher

      • Make use of a transformative agreement or funding

    • Learn more about open access on your campus

Elsevier gold OA pilot


  • 261 APC waiver requests have been approved so far

  • Total of 301 articles were submitted to eligible journals in 2020. Of those, 49 have been published under subscription model and 29 of those 49 are eligible for retrospective OA through January 2022. Campus administrators will receive more info in the months to come.

  • Issues/questions?

    • If you have login issues, feel free to contact Melissa.

  • Mark shared an update on the UC’s recent transformative agreement with Elsevier and CRKN negotiations in Canada. CSU will be preparing is starting to prepare for negotiations with Elsevier, with pilot set to expire at the end of 2021.

Informal discussion


  • For next time: ETD workflows
