2019-08-06 Meeting notes: Annual Meeting, Northridge


Jul 25, 2019


  • @Elyse Fox (Chair)

  • @Kevin Cloud (Unlicensed)

  • Elizabeth Blackwood

  • Ian Chan

  • Anthony Davis

  • Julie Dinkins

  • April Gilbert

  • Sebastián Hunt

  • Pam Kruger

  • Matt Martin

  • Carmen Mitchell

  • Chloé Pascual

  • Maria Pena

  • Micah Jeffries

  • Nicole Shibata

  • Elizabeth Skartvedt

  • Mark Stackpole

  • Heather Steele

  • Richard Thai

  • Wendolyn Vermeer

  • Maung Win

  • Bin Zhang


  • Data dictionary review: discuss current and ongoing projects

  • Future of the Metadata IG

Discussion topics









10 min

MD/LD IG Updates

Elyse Fox

  • Updates on the work that has been accomplished since last fall:

    • 2016-2017: report by Carmen Mitchell/Aaron Collier identified over 200 metadata fields across the CSU’s

    • Winter 2018: Lauren Magnuson/Kevin Cloud created data modeling spreadsheet based on recommendations of MD/LD IG, including CSU core fields

    • April/May 2019: Elyse Fox/Wendy Vermeer transposed data modeling into draft data dictionary; solicited feedback from IG and campuses regarding such items as controlled vocabularies and content standards

15 min

DAIG updates

Steve Kutay

Alyssa Loera

  • Update on DAMS report:

    • Pros of integrated DAMS system: grant opportunities, curated collections, metadata quality control

  • What are people’s capacity to contribute or participate in a formalized group?

  • CONTENTdm migration: impetus for campuses to migrate (funding for CONTENTdm)

  • Future projects to help drive DAMS project forward:

    • metadata profiling of existing CONTENTdm metadata

    • Establish CSU Core metadata for digital archives

35 min

Future of IG

Elyse Fox

Steve Kutay

Alyssa Loera

  • Collaboration with Digital Archives group to discuss formal governance structure: IR and Digital Archives under scope of formalized Metadata Group?

  • Participation: Co-chairs (IR and digital collections); nominated members; one metadata contact per campus

  • Meeting frequency? TBD

Action items

Ongoing projects for the Metadata/Linked Open Data IG:

Campus migrations: Continue to provide feedback on data modeling/dictionary as you move through the data review process (use the google doc to add comments, or email Elyse and Kevin)
Collection level metadata
System integration with ORCID id’s, SWORD, Alma/Primo
Controlled vocabulary for degree level and degree name: submit via data modeling spreadsheet
