2022-08-19 DAMS MTF Meeting notes


August 19, 2022


  • @Nicole Shibata

  • @Julie Dinkins (Unlicensed)

  • @David Walker

 Discussion topics







Review Preliminary MAP comments


  • Public and private notes field

    • What is public notes used for?

  • Campus faceting -  Campuses are identified in Hyrax upon migration/upload.  Calisphere hasn’t required us to provide a field for this - it’s generated when harvesting.  May want to double check with them 

  • Source - use of this element tends to be inconsistent.  Used in similar ways to Relation-is Part of.  

    • Nicole will look at how this element is used in pilot collections to see if it can crosswalk to more specific elements.

  • Relation- Is Part of - not a user friendly field label 

    • Used for source collections and digital collections

    • Digital collections are treated differently in Hyrax, so may not need a separate field for this.  Except maybe for harvesting purposes?

    • Change label to “Source collections”

  • Location - add property: DC terms: spatial

  • Date created 

    • Probably won’t need additional date fields, but may need a machine readable date field for faceting and sorting.

      • Dave - Parse date field function can be used to automate this, but it is not perfect.

  • Author - remove and use Creator

  • Format 

    • Dublin Core definition: The file format, physical medium, or dimensions of the resource. 

    • Hyrax records the file type upon ingest.  Not part of metadata record, but it can be automated to be added to it. Useful for preservation purposes.

    • Original resource format/type is probably more important to users.

    •  Suggestion: have a resource type field like in Scholarworks.  Will need to identify a vocabulary.

  • Extent - Hyrax can generate digital extent data.

  • Other identifiers - this is a current field.  Yoko wonders what the main identifier would be - typically this is the identifier or filename for the asset.

    • Other identifier fields needed?

      • ARK

      • Handle 

  • Fields currently mapped to none - request that campuses clean up and map some of these to appropriate fields based on finalized application profile.

  • Full text - Hyrax indexes full text of pdf but doesn’t store it where you can see it like CONTENTdm.  This should be fine - double check with DAWG/Pilot group.

 Action items

@Nicole Shibata will update MAP based on decisions and comments
@Nicole Shibata will look into how Source field is used in pilot collections
