2020-09-22 COLD Agenda & Meeting Notes


Sep 22, 2020


  • @Karen Schneider (Unlicensed) @Carlos Rodriguez @Emily Miller (Unlicensed) @Adriana Popescu @Jen Fabbi (Unlicensed) @Amy Kautzman @Mark Stover (Unlicensed) @Frank Wojcik (Unlicensed) @David Walker @Ron Rodriguez @Cesar Caballero (Unlicensed) @Del Hornbuckle (Unlicensed) @Alicia.virtue (Unlicensed) Pat Hawthorne, Roman Kochan, Scott Walter, Steve Perez, Leslie Kennedy, Eddie Choy, Sandra Bozarth (for Curt Asher), Ann Agee, Deborah Masters, @Michele Van Hoeck (Unlicensed) @Patrick Newell (Unlicensed) @Stephanie Brasley @John Wenzler @Cyril Oberlander (Unlicensed)

  • Absent: Kelly Janousek

Discussion topics










Welcome and introductions

@Carlos Rodriguez

We welcomed our newest COLD members, Pat Hawthorne and Scott Walter.


Update to COLD Confluence Site

@Karen Schneider (Unlicensed)

A walk-through of the reorganized COLD Confluence space.


CSU/UC/SCELC Collaboration

@Amy Kautzman

Conversations among the CSU, UC, and SCELC library leadership about future collaborations. COLD agreed to continue conversations about collaborations among the three statewide entities.


CSU-Elsevier OA Agreement

Eddie Choy

Emily Chan currently doing verification of CSU faculty to confirm their status to Elsevier. Planning to establish workflow. Emily Chan and Melissa Seelye (Publishing IG/ScholComm Committee) are putting together a communication package. Eddie Choy will send COLD a list of CSU Authors and their campus affiliation that have published in an Elsevier OA Journal.


SDLS Staffing Update

@David Walker

Two new staff: Bryan Tu, programmer, previously worked on Merlot. Very skilled, hard to hire this type of expertise, will be a boon. Started in July. Chris Lee, Resource Sharing Manager, formerly Cal Poly, former ULMS RSFC chair, involved in establishing CSU+. Starts 10/12. Have not received permission to rehire Kevin Cloud’s old position, but have two people working on the project.


ScholarWorks Update

@David Walker

Some history: using DSPace since 2007. In last couple years have been migrating to Samvera. At tail end of migration to ScholarWorks. Major development completed (data migration, preservation via Glacier, service integration, XYZ). Next up: third party integration.

What’s next: post-migration cleanup such as normalization, Google Scholar integration, harvest SW records into Primo, and working on new feature development.

Question about customization: David Walker noted that they are working on controlled vocabularies for campuses.

Dave Walker and SDLS was thanked for their work on migrating to DSpace to Samvera.


CO Office Update

Leslie Kennedy

Accessibility review of databases ongoing. Extensive work around e-reserves, including review of products in this space. “Inclusive Access” program set up by most/all campuses. Students can test digital textbooks and opt-out if needed. Has high adoption rates. Inclusive Access texts can be included in VitalSource. This provides advantages such as multiple simultaneous checkouts. VitalSource is available for all CSU libraries. CO has also approached RedShelf.

@Jen Fabbi (Unlicensed) then opened discussion about Inclusive Access at Fullerton and Pomona. Emily Bonney noted that students were unhappy with the opt-out functionality, which ends up with students buying books unwittingly and attributing this problem to the Library. Jen inquired about the availability of a cost model for non-VitalSource campuses. To be continued in Jen’s update next week.


Shared Print Update

@Emily Miller (Unlicensed)

Watch for a letter via email from SCELC with special pricing extended through July 2021.


Intercampus journal project (McNair Scholars journal)

@Mark Stover (Unlicensed) @Patrick Newell (Unlicensed)

A number of CSUs are involved in this program. ScholComm Publishing Interest Group wants to investigate establishing a systemwide CSU McNair Scholars journal.

Through informal consensus, COLD agreed the Scholarly Communications Publishing Interest Group should investigate establishing a systemwide CSU McNair Scholars journal on the Open Journal Systems platform.






ECC & Opt-In Budget Planning

@Del Hornbuckle (Unlicensed) Eddie Choy

SRDC is sending a recommendation to COLD to have July 1 opt-in renewals done by October 2. There was discussion of the recommendation that the default be to say yes (approval of purchase). It was agreed the default should be no. There was also discussion about whether all the subscription memos for Opt-In renewals had been received by the campuses.

The focus shifted to ensuring the deans know what subscriptions are coming and what is outstanding. Eddie Choy committed to providing this information to the deans before the next COLD meeting.

We will revisit this topic again at the September 30, 2020 COLD meeting.


Deans Only




COLD Overflow/Adjourn



Action items

@David Walker to provide slides from CO and ScholarWorks updates
Eddie Choy will send COLD a campus breakdown of all subscription memos with their renewal status


See COLD Decision Log.