Discovery Open Forum - Primo VE Wrap Up II


Aug 27, 2021


Discovery Open Forum Recording

Discussion Topics








@Christian Ward

  • Thought Prompt


@Christian Ward @brandon dudley (Unlicensed)

  • Basecamp issue reporting until September 3.

  • Use SalesForce starting September 3rd for new Primo VE issues.

  • BenYishai will continue to work on issues reported on Basecamp prior to September 3rd

  • Unsure when access to Basecamp will end, but the Tips and Tricks and Known Issues pages are up to date

Hide link via JS and CSS

@Christian Ward

Q & A


Topics discussed:

  • Deep linking to library locations.

  • Need for time with documentation.

  • Search Scopes and Books/Ebooks displaying differently between local and CSU results.

  • Mobile device facet indicator

  • Gov Doc facet type (led to resource type conversation)

  • MMS ID Search

  • Special Collection finding aids and specialized search scopes (please email if interested in discussing a solution) (Fullerton has setup import profiles for archive space)

  • Summary Holdings statements being hidden in the Location (GetIt) information

Audio/Video NZ Resource Types

@Christian Ward @Christine Holmes @brandon dudley (Unlicensed)

Current Resource Type Landscape

  1. Definition and Influence

    • OOTB Ex L mapping for resource types - general

    • Local resource types - specific

      • Local resource types defined at the NZ:

        • Archival materials

        • Atlases

        • Audio CDs

        • Blu-rays

        • CD/DVD ROMs

        • Databases

        • DVDs

        • LPs

        • Three Dimensional Objects

        • Videocassettes

    • Local resource types defined at the NZ level affect NZ-linked records

    • Local resource types at the IZ level affect IZ records

  2. Recalculation Job Glitch

    • Naxos records getting CD/DVD ROM resource type

    • Ex Libris fixed glitch this month

    • @Israel Yanez (Unlicensed) ran recalculation job on all streaming audio records in the NZ and now they get the general Ex L mapping—Audio

  3. Discussion Going Forward

    • Should we stay with the OOTB general terms/mapping for NZ records, or make full use of the ability for more specific local resource types (and possibly add others, like Streaming Audio, Streaming Video)?