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  • Login to the demo site, as both a manager user and depositor user

  • Test administrative configurations for a campus admin set

  • Test work deposits, visibility, embargo, and workflow settings


Logins for the demo site have been distributed to the campus project managers.

Dashboard menu

From the dashboard menu you will see a screen with statistics for your activity, notifications, depositor proxies, and work transfer requests for the repository manager. 

You will also see four main tabs. The activity tab will list user profile information, which may be edited to include user photos and other identifying handles. You will also see the notices for notifications, proxy depositors, and transfers as from the dashboard.

Repository contents

A Hyrax repository comes in two parts -- Collections and Works. Works are the individual items that make up collections, and collections come in two flavors, admin sets and user collections. The terminology may take getting used to in comparison to other systems, but there is significant overlap with DSpace and other systems. It may be useful to check out some of the Samvera/Hyrax links.

Let's start by navigating to a campus collection. By selecting the repository contents tab, and looking at managed collections, you can see the admin set designated for your campus. You can also see the level of access that is provided the user, what kind of collection it is, its visibility settings, the number of items in the collection, and when it was last modified.

Let's select edit collection to see what options are available. Each administrative set will have a campus name or brief summary. Clicking on the participants tab will allow a manager of that administrative set to view the access for particular users or groups. A manager for the repository has by default full control over both the admin set (collection) as well as the works assigned to that set. On this screen you can also add new users to the default three types of participants for the admin set: managers, depositors, and viewers. Depositors have the ability to add new works to the administrative set, while viewers have the ability to view works within hyrax regardless of privacy settings for the item. 

The release and visibility tab contains the default options available to depositors. Release settings can require no embargoes or leases, or a depositor may select particular dates or periods. The visibility settings determine the default, global settings for whether works will be available to view at a private, or institution, or public level.

Lastly, the administrative set will have a workflow associated with it. The workflow tab contains the system-provided workflow defaults for deposit behavior. Currently we have two available:

  • a default workflow, where if a depositor has permissions may publish a work without mediation
  • a one-step mediated workflow, whereby a depositor must have the work approved by a reviewer.

Now for some homework 

Homework: Assign a campus user ( to a campus administrative set by selecting the user name from the dropdown tab. Logout, then login as the campus user to notice

the access restrictions in place. There won't be much to notice until a few works have been deposited. Setting some of the default configurations will help us to better understand what works and what needs adjustment as far as campus level permissions and access. We'll return to more homework related to this after adding a few works.

What's a repository without its stuff? Next, select the works tab. You will see two options -- one for bulk upload (a batch of works) and a single work. Selecting add a new work will  bring up the type modal, which will allow a user to deposit student research, publications, research data, and open resources. When we select create a work, a form will be displayed with relevant fields and a few options. First, the field settings. Each field will have a label, whether the field is required, as well as options for additional fields. Notice the Save Work sidebar. A user will only be able to submit a work once they have completed all required fields.

The next tab is the files tab, where a user can upload a particular file, or sets of files, with an option to drag and drop or select from a file explorer. Notice the Save Work sidebar again. Only by adding files will the work be saved.

The next tab is the relationships tab. This work should be assigned to the campus administrative set. Additionally, this work can be added to other collections.

The last tab is the sharing tab. Here, similar to the permissions settings for the administrative set, a user may share the work with another user or group and designate that level of access.

Back to the Save Work sidebar. You'll notice that as we have added new works and data, we've completed the requirements and are now (almost) ready to save the work. Two final steps are necessary.

First, a user must select a visibility setting. Recall that the default settings for visibility may be set at the administrative level if useful for the repository manager. For the purposes of this demonstration, we're allowing a user to select an appropriate visibility setting. Lastly, the user must confirm that they have read the deposit agreement. Hyrax has supplied a lengthy default deposit agreement outlining the visibility level and license restrictions. Once a user has checked that they have read the agreement, the work can now be saved. 

Works that have been saved will be visible within the dashboard under the works tab. Some works once deposited may need to do processing in the background before the file is viewable. You can edit a work when logged in to make changes. Data which has been made available to the index via facet or searchable term may be retrieved through the search bar. 

Homework: Create some works! Be sure to add a few diverse file types, test the bulk file uploader, as well as test deposits as both the campus user as well as campus manager. You can also test embargoes and permissions settings, and confirm that those restrictions appear to be in place.

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