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During migration, all inventory from your ILS is assumed to be physical unless specified otherwise in P2E file.  Below, are recommendations to guide you as you create your P2E list.


it may be helpful to have a spreadsheet identifying your electronic resources as you review what to migrate and what not.  After you create your P2E list, we recommend that you export the file to Excel and apply filters to check that the query you used and the parameters you set didn't miss any records or include records you did not expect.  The last step involves using filters to identify portfolio, package, and database (does not have portfolios).  Please review the documentation at the bottom of the page, especially the SFX Cleanup for Alma Migration. 

 Do Not Migrate: 

1.  Do not migrate Serials Solutions records.

2.  Do not migrate electronic journal bibliographic records if also activated in your SFX instance or the Chancellor SFX instance.  Example: ejournals in an electronic collection (SFX target) or  stand alone titles such as Chronicle of Higher Education (stand alones are usually available in the Misc. eJournals target in SFX).
    Exception -- you may choose to migrate a record (as suppressed) if it has an order attached to it.

3.  Do not migrate ebook collections (examples -- ebrary academic complete,  Springer ebooks) if also activated in your SFX instance or the Chancellor SFX instance. 
     Exception -- you may choose to migrate a record (as suppressed) if it has an order attached to it. 
     Exception:  migrate PDA/DDA collections or any collections not available in CZ.

         Note:  If you migrate your collections and don't link to the records in the CZ, then, you will be responsible for maintaining your collection.


4.  Do not migrate a print record because it has: links to Finding Aids, TOCs, links to abstracts only, links to images or book reviews, or publisher information links in the 856 field.



1.  Migrate streaming video collections not available in the CZ or SFX. 
:  Library has a Docuseek2 subscription consisting of 20 bib records.  Migrate these records and create a local e-collection in Alma (optional).


3.  Migrate PDA/DDA collections for ebooks and streaming videosExample:  Kanopy Streaming,


5.  Migrate the OCLC record for the electronic collection record (optional). 
:  Academic Search Complete.  If it has an order record, most likely you are bringing it over anyway but you may choose to not suppress it if you would like it to be available in Primo. 
