Natalya Magazino, Elizabeth Tibbitts, Shana Higgins, Christina Hennessey, Ben Amata, Jung-Ah Lee
\uD83D\uDDE3 Discussion topics
Natalya and Christina
Jung Ah has agreed to serve as vice chair 👏🎉
Usage tracking subject area is working again
NZ folder was somehow deleted around 1/19. Folder has been restored but some recent reports missing. ExL is looking into how this happened.
Christina will ask Ex L if the ability to delete the California State University Networks folder can be disabled.
Primo Analytics Facet report…eventually
The discovery group wants to try some new facets and will eventually need some reports on facets.
Open Forum Planning
How much time does each presenter need?
Intro all together about 5 mins
Elizabeth will let us know how much time her part will take. (maybe about 10 min)
Jung Ah 10 mins
Natalya 5 min
Ok to go a little over
Q&A and Open Forum at the end
Line 41b - The survey instructions are vague. A more concrete guideline is needed for a more consistent count among the CSU’s. What should be the guideline?
Jung Ah shared how SJSU is counting. SJSU counts each DB from the same vendor with different topics & years separately which accounts for the high count.
Natalya will put in a poll to ask each CSU how they are counting 41B. This will be launched during the open forum, slide 5.
Christina will check with her department on whether any mandates will go out from the CO/
Lines 81 and 82 reports
Analytics management policy
Natalya put document together. We reviewed it together.
Please add comments and ideas.
Christina will find out if Ex L has a report naming convention.
March open fprum
Should we do a March open forum?
Elizabeth mentioned that she wants to learn more about SUSHI.