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TBAZoom Recording with Audio and Chat Transcript

Discussion topics





DFC Members

  • Christian Ward, Sacramento (Chair)

  • Ian Chan, San MarcosĀ  (Vice-Chair)

  • Christine Holmes, San Jose

  • Cathy Outten, Long Beach

  • Hannah Lee, Dominguez Hills

  • Julie Shen, Pomona

  • David Walker, CO Ex Officio

Open Forum Dates for 2021/22


2021-22 Schedule:

  • August 13th @ 1pm - Open Forum - Primo VE Wrap Up

  • August 27th @1pm - Open Forum (Tentative)

    • There was interest from the group that a second session would be helpful. An additional session will be scheduled and posted to the discovery list

  • October 8th @ 1pm - Open Forum - TBD / Primo VE Tips and Tricks

  • December 10th @ 1pm - Open Forum - TBD / Primo VE Tips and Tricks

  • February 11th @ 1pm - Open Forum - TBD / UI Survey Update

  • April 8th @ 1pm - Open Forum - TBD / UI Survey Update

  • June 10th @ 1pm - Open Forum - TBD / UI Survey Results

Request Open Forum Agenda Items:

Primo VE Documentation Reminders


The DFC plans on rearranging content on the wiki homepage to improve visibility of Primo VE related documentation, and best practices.

Custom Discovery Network Search Profile


CSU Physical Search Profile Setup

A review of setting up a network search scope that only displays physical items at other institutions, or ScholarWorks records in the Network Zone.

Note: this does not exclude local physical items that should be hidden from other campuses (i.e. laptops, adapters, and other equipment). The CO, DFC, and Ex Libris are working to find a solution for these use cases.

Hide links via JS & CSS (Central Package)

Christian Ward & David Walker

Hiding 865 in Links Section of Full Record Details

Overview of how to activate and configure the central package feature to remove unwanted 856 links from the Links section of the full record display.

David Walker will implement in the central package the week of 8/16.

Notes Field Changes

Israel Yanez

An overview of the recent changes that Sacramento made to the Notes field norm rule. Highlighted items in the spreadsheet have been removed and the resulting field can be implemented for all campuses.

Israel Yanez (Unlicensed) is asking for input on the removed fields, and to indicate if there are foreseeable issues with removing the data. Campuses could use either the network field with the deletions or their own local field if needed.

Q & A


  • Audio/Video NZ Resource Types

    • The group discussed the issue of having a general resource type facet and pre-filter for Video/Audio. Users may find the specific audio visual formats (DVD, CD, Streaming, etc) more useful. This will be a topic of further conversation at the next open forum.

  • GES Configuration

    • Chris Lee is available to assist campuses with their GES setup.

  • Deep linking Issues

Recording available on the DFC website and discovery list.
    • Tabled for another meeting