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15 minutes

Updates on ScholarWorks /Campus 1-on-1 meetings

David Walker

Kevin Cloud (Unlicensed)

  • Full report tabled to next meeting.

  • Discussion of local accessibility requirements during the 1-on-1 meetings

    • Legal responsibility to have these materials be ADA compliant; need a better understanding of local campus practices for ensuring ADA compliance in IR works

15 minutes

Update from Metadata Working Group

Elyse Fox

15 minutes

Update from Digital Archives Working Group

Steve Kutay

  • Repository Personnel RegistryQuarterly joint meetings with MWG/DAWG and

    • Hope is to get a better understanding of campus projects and who is responsible for which components

    • Discussion of best way to communicate with designated personnel - send to the main contact or have separate lists by function?

      • Suggestion to copy the designated project point person in emails

      • Suggestion to allow each campus to put in who they want to be the designated point person for each functional group

      • Need procedure for updating / maintaining this list (annual review?)

      • Suggestion to have this live on the Confluence page

  • MWG/DAWG will have quarterly joint meetings and hold open ScholarWorks meeting reports for interest groups.

  • Shared accessibility policies for digital reformats? Item level linking to policies?

    • Reach out to decision makers to consider how we want to maintain our guidelines (or best practices for sharing) regarding accessibility accommodations; particularly important given that some of the materials in an IR are being scanned from an analog form

  • Best practices for geographic access across CSU

15 minutes

  1. Propose discipline based faceting for all CSUs (will involve creation of taxonomy)

  2. Propose Copyright/Rights stmt/license FAQ page and contacts

Elyse Fox

Action items



Proposals from Metadata Working Group

Elyse Fox

  • Seeking feedback on CSU-wide discipline faceting/taxonomy

    • MWG thinks using a controlled vocabulary of academic disciplines will be a nice way to connect the various campuses; MWG is seeking approval from the DRC to move forward with this project in Scholarworks

    • Questions

      • Does the CO have this type of information already?

      • What is the process for creating these discipline taxonomies?

      • How will this be a moving process given that names change; (forward and backward compatible) - need an easy way for campuses to request future taxonomies/categories

    • Approved by committee

  • Copyright/Rights Stmt/License FAQ page and contact(s) on SW landing page; MWG to survey campus current campus resources?

    • Who will field any copyright / rights questions? - Suggestion to link to the existing copyright first responders contact list so questions go to the specific campus contact

    • Discussion of previous responses to centralized copyright advice and decision to not have a generic list


Mark Bilby (Unlicensed)

  • Vote/census about whether the committee would recommend to COLD a consortial subscription to DataCite for DOI-minting?

    • Send comments/feedback to Mark via email before next meeting; will discuss at next meeting

Action items

  •  Look into whether the CO has a master list of disciplines to be used for universal discipline taxonomies. David Walker


  • Establish CSU-Wide faceting / taxonomy
  • Repository Personnel Registry will live on the Confluence page