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Opt-in e-resources are also acquired by SDLC on behalf of campuses,. However, the Chancellor's Office does NOT pay for opt-ins using CO funds. Each campus chooses whether to “opt-in” to the available subscriptions and pay using their own funding. This collaborative acquisition of library resources allows the CSU system of libraries to leverage their buying power and minimize their administrative expenses. 

Additional ECC and Opt-in Documentation

Consortia Manager

The CSU is using Consortia Manager to manage various collection development and acquisitions activities for ALL Shared E-Resources (ECC and Opt-In).

License terms for all the Agreements/Contracts managed through SDLC will be available to view and download from Consortia Manager!

CM Training Resources:

  • Link to Consortia Manager Help Section

  • All training materials, including general manuals, additional CSU help articles, links to training videos, etc. will be posted to the Help Section within Consortia Manager.

  • Users must login to Consortia Manager to gain access. (If you need an account, please check with your SRDC Member at your campus).

Selection and



Electronic Core Collection (ECC)


  • Selection of new Opt-in e-resources for SDLC consideration may be initiated by SRDC Members through the ECC/Opt-In Vendor Liaisons (EVL) committee using their SDLC E-Resource Recommendation for EVL Form. Please consult with your the SRDC Member for your campus if there is a resource you would like to put forward as a new opt-in!

  • eResource is selected for campus consideration or is up for renewal

  • SDLC starts the renewal process usually with vendors at least 3 months before a contract/license expires.

  • SDLC contacts the vendor to request eResource pricing and license details.

  • SDLC negotiate eResource license

  • After pricing and the terms of the license are confirmed, a Subscription Memo  is sent to campuses via the EARMEMO listserv, with a copy to LIBDIR listserv.

  • The Subscription Memo provides:

    • A response deadline

    • Subscription details

    • Subscription pricing

    • Rights and Restrictions

    • Possible upgrades

    • Commitment to renew or cancel

  • For new eResources, SDLC will usually set up a trial of the new eResources on SDLC’s intranet site. To provide time for campuses to review and evaluated the new eResource, the trial period is usually set up for at least 30 daysThis process involves negotiating pricing, content, license terms, etc. with the vendors.

  • Once available, pricing and subscription information is sent out to the campuses via Consortia Manager.

  • Campuses interested in acquiring or renewing the eResource will then complete SDLC’s order form using the link provided.

  • Upon receipt of campus responses, SDLC will review each response for any changes noted by campuses that may affect the price. Any changes in price to the campuses will be communicated to the affected campuses by SDLC and the affect campuses will be asked to recommit to the increased price.

  • e-resource will confirm their orders with SDLC via Consortia Manager. Campuses are usually given 2-3 weeks to respond to the Subscription Memo hosted in SurveyGismo in a survey format.

  • If needed, SDLC and Vendor will negotiate the final details of the eResource agreement

  • SDLC forwards requisition with terms/conditions together with final pricing to CO Procurement for processing

  • CSU Procurement creates an agreement/PO and submits to the vendor for signature

  • Vendor returns agreement for CSU Procurement’s signature

  • SDLC approves invoice and forwards invoice to CO Accounting for payment

  • CSU Accounting CPO confirm their orders.

  • SDLC notifies the Electronic Resources Manager of new Opt-in e-resource acquisitions or cancellations.

  • The Electronic Resources Manager activates/deactivates the corresponding e-resource collection in the Alma NZ for relevant campuses.

  • The Chancellor’s Office IFTs the campuses for their portion of the eResource costs

    • Send notification to the NZ admin

  • The NZ Admin activates the new eResource collection to make it available for campuses.

Additional ECC and Opt-in Documentation