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CSU-East Bay Highlights, new building

Sharon Chen-Bateman and Stephanie Alexander

We heard from the library project managers' hard work!


COLD/CIO collaborations

Carlos, guest Bob Lim (CIO & VP for IT, SJSU)

Carlos just started attending the CSU wide CIO meeting, seeking logical collaborations; big topics include AI and cybersecurity; big question: how do we go about working together so we’re not all doing the same thing in isolation?

Examples of system collaboration included accessibility and software licensing


AI--what’s going on at our campuses/libraries

Mike to kick off discussion from all

Systemwide committee collaboration between CO and CIOs

Microcredential course through SDSU CIO office. SDSU plans to talk about it after some personnel complete the course. Issues around how rapidly its developing

Other campus not that particular departments are jumping in AI issues faster that others

Us Use as templates

What’s the pushback? concerns about cheating (requires changes in assignment design)

Good opportunity to not duplicate effort (e.g. libguides)


Developing ideas: visiting program officer buyout idea; value of student staff statement

Idea of leadership/non-duplicative efforts. Opportunity to collaborate with Resarch, CIOs, and Student Affairs?

Mechanics: buyout faculty time. Consider different terminology

Follow up: Mike will write up a proposal/outline for a pilot that we’ll dicuss in May

Scott discussed impacts on student worker budget, There’s compelling data about the value of student work in the libraries (e.g. good graducation rates for library student workers). It might be valuable to have a shared statement on value of student labor in the libraries “We can curate experiences.”

Consider badging and internships

National Association of career educators

Look into Learning Aligned Employment program; high impact practice

Follow up: Task Force. John and Cyril will work with Scott to get started. More are welcome.


Copyright Clearance Board proceedings Opt Out dicussion


Christina reached out to UCs. While we can’t be a respondant as a state entity, we don’t need to respond! But some institutions have signed to make it clear they are not part


Further Strategic Plan discussion

Develop the idea of the bridge component.

Reframe for making the case for resource value/protection

Resource use across campuses

Action plan vs. inspiration

Reminder to write comments in google doc

There will also be a survey


Campus updates


LunchSend campus updates for Rebecca to compile and share out

Follow up for May meeting: Student labor task force, Visiting Program (fellow, project) pilot proposal, DEIA fund usage, hosting for 24/25, officers for 24/25.