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Document status
Area coveredERM
Lead AuthorChristine Holmes
Reviewed and Revised by ERM Committee 

Table of ContentsIn-Depth Articles
Table of Contents
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This document addresses best practices for openURL, proxy, troubleshooting, and Discovery Interface Display Logic (General Electronic Services, Related Records, Display Logic Rules) primarily in the IZ.  Many of these tasks were managed in SFX.  In Alma, they are managed in the Fulfillment Configuration Menu.  The document  SFX to Alma Migration Guide may be helpful in understanding services done in SFX and the equivalent functionality in the Alma/Primo solution.  ER staff may need to consult with Systems, Fulfillment as well as Discovery to set up and maintain the processes described in this best practice document. Most of these functions should be set up prior to going live.



This relates to the management of electronic resources for each CSU IZ using Model 1 (the local acquisition, licensing and e-resource management by the individual libraries).  The openURL, proxy, and Discovery Interface Display Logic are driving forces behind display and access of electronic resources.  It is essential to have recommendations and best practices that allow us to customize and maximize the system for the benefit of staff and library users.



  • Alma's UResolver complies with 0.1 and 1.0 OpenURL (Sept 2016).  The goal of the Alma Link Resolver is to provide patrons access to electronic resources that they have identified using OpenURL-compliant discovery tools such as Google Scholar, PubMed, Primo, etc.
  • Each CSU is responsible for contacting vendors or updating admin modules with the Alma link resolver and icon prior to going liveNote:  This Ex Libris document explains the process of running a report in SFX to create a vendor list to send the new services page URL when moving from SFX to Alma.

  • The CO will put in place temporary redirects from SFX to the Alma link resolver as campuses go live, so if you don't update all of your vendors by go-live, your users won't get stuck.
  • The link resolver icon is the equivalent of the SFX openURL icon.  Note: Here is the URL for the link resolver iconAs a link resolver, Alma provides services for searches performed in sources other than Alma. Alma’s link resolver uses the Services Page view (which is defined in Primo) in order to display these services.
  • The Link Resolver Base URL consists of the following parameters:  httphttps://<primo_fe_server_url:port><Primo_domain>/openurl/<primo<Alma_institution_code>/<primo_services_page_view_code.  Note:  We do not use a "port" in our URL syntax. To get your base URL,  go to the Primo Back Office and navigate to Primo Home>Ongoing Configuration Wizards>Institution WizardCopy and paste the Services Page URL.   <view_code>?   This same URL is also available in Alma by navigating to General Config menu > General Config > Other settings > Primo service page url

  • The Alma resolver augmentation function is a component of the Alma Link Resolver process that enhances OpenURL metadata with DOI, OAI, and PubMed informationWe recommend that you implement this, a one time only task.  Look under General Configuration > Integration Profiles > Add Integration ProfileNoteAsk Jessica at CO for CrossRef details
  • Alma supports the ability to check the validity of the full-text URL before presenting it to the end user through the View It services menu. This functionality is only available for EBSCOhost – The EBSCO Link Resolver Plugin.  In an NZ environment, the Link Resolver Plugin integration profile must be created for the network institution and for all the member institutions.  We recommend that you agree to let Jessica implement this plugin for you.
  • If you need to provide an openURL when submitting support cases, this Ex Libris document (How to Extract OpenURL) explains how to extract an openURL from Primo, Alma and Google Scholar.


  • Proxy is configured in Alma on the General Configuration page (Administration > General Configuration > Configuration Menu), click Integration Profiles under External Systems.
  • Most institutions use a single proxy server, in which case one proxy profile should be defined. If an institution uses several proxy servers, a proxy profile should be defined for each proxy server.
  • This chart is helpful in understanding the effect of proxy enabled at the collection, service and portfolio levels.  Portfolios inherit the proxy-enabled setting from the service-level, proxy-enabled setting to which they are attached. As a result, you do not need to set a portfolio-level proxy-enabled setting unless you want it to be something different from the service-level setting.
  • Which proxy setting is best for you?  We recommend SelectiveThis proxy is used for resources where EnableProxy=Yes and this proxy is selected (this is equivalent to selecting Always for a non-default proxy).  This option takes into account that most of us have open access collections and thus, will not apply the proxy.

Discovery Interface Display Logic

 In Alma, most electronic resources configuration options having to do with display in Primo are found in the Fulfillment Configuration Menu > Discovery Interface Display Logic (image of menu below).   Most options/features/services/labels you see in the Primo View It and Get It windows are determined by how you configure and order the items you see in the menu below.Image Removed

General Electronic Services

Some things to know:

  • GES redirects the user to an external source whereas Display Logic determines what to show/hide in Primo. 
  • To configure these tables requires System Administrator or Fulfillment Administrator roles. 
  • NoteView It is limited to 25 resources (services and databases). 

GES examples:


Display Logic

Display Logic Rules examples:


Some things to know:

An institution cannot define display logic rules based on shared collections in the NZ. [An enhancement was submitted by Jessica at the Chancellor Office; Sept 2016]
; see ERM known issues.  FYI, rules that are enabled at the campus level (based on IP ranges) override all electronic display logic rules enabled at the institution level.  Probably not applicable to CSU.  Patron purchase requests is a service exposed from Alma to Primo. This service is initially hidden from users by default with the rule Hide Service Purchase Request.

A Display Logic Rule may have unintended consequences.  Best Practice in this order:

  • Test one rule at a time
  • Test in sandbox before implementing a rule
  • Questions?  Submit to ERM in Slack or ULMS TS listserv  (under consideration)ERM listserv
  • Questions?  Use the Alma listserv
  • Open SalesForce case

Display Logic Labels:

The Discovery Interface Labels Code Table page (Fulfillment > Fulfillment Configuration > Configuration Menu > Discovery Interface Display Logic > Labels) contains predefined labels that appear on the Get It and View It tabs in Primo. You cannot add or remove these labels, but you can edit the label’s text to suit your requirements.  You may also change the font size and color as well as apply html code.  Here is an example of the table in which one of the labels has been modified to include html to hyperlink a label in Primo.Image Removed.  The text was changed from the default "Not Loanable" to "Library Use Only". 

Image Added

Here is what happens in Primo: text is now hyperlinked.

Image Removed


displays in Primo:

Image Added

Integration Profile 

Integration profiles list page can be found:  Configuration Menu > General > External Systems > Integration Profiles, click Add Integration Profile.

Add EBSCO API Link Resolver:

  1. Select Link Resolver Plugin from the Integration Type drop-down list.
  2. Select EBSCO from the Vendor drop-down list.
  3. Select Active.
  4. Enter the API User ID provided to you by EBSCO. The API User ID is an EBSCO authentication string that is customer specific and consists of three parts, separated by periods, custid.groupid.profileid where:
    • custid is the EBSCO admin customer id
    • groupid is the Group ID in EBSCOhost where the database resides
    • profileid is the Profile ID in EBSCOhost where the database resides
    For example: s123456.main.eit. The structure of this authentication string is identical to the target Information for Z39.50 Connections.
    Contact your EBSCO representative if you do not already have this information.
  5. See Documentation for more set up configurations needed in the e-collections after the Integration Profile is setup.
  6. List of EBSCO e-collections that do not use the API Link Resolver.


Alma allows you to display an online resource's license information in Primo. The terms of the license are configured in Alma, as well as the license-related labels that display in the View It tab.  In order to view licenses in Primo, you will need to enable the license first and that is found:  Fulfillment Configuration Menu -> Discovery Interface Display Logic →Other Setting.  You may also change the labels and specify which license terms to display.  To set this up, please refer to Displaying License Information document.  It also includes a helpful 5 minute video

Related Records

Alma allows you to configure the display of records that are related (e.g., title changes) to electronic records by using the Related Record Services Configuration page.  Related Records is similar to Related Objects in SFX.  It displays in the Primo View It tab.


We recommend #2 because it separates the two services thus avoiding potential problems and because it is visually easier to view in the window.

Direct Linking


Direct Linking says:  if only one fulltext service available, then take the user directly to the fulltext.  Specific instructions to enable this function are available in the Discovery Interface Display Logic document.  Here is one forum thread arguing against using direct linking .  Alma Product Management plans to implement improvements for when direct linking does not work (Sept 2016).  We recommend that this service is at the discretion of each campus.

Troubleshooting (draft)

Have you done the following tasks:

  1. Set Up CRM Contacts
  • Support cases can be opened from within Alma by clicking the Send to Ex Libris link found in the menu options below an electronic collection or electronic portfolio search result in the CZ or IZ.  To take advantage of this feature, you should configure CRM contacts (Administration > General Configuration > Configuration Menu > General Configuration > CRM Contacts).

        Typical troubleshooting issues include:

What to do with fulltext linking problems?  Ex Libris has a document that provides you with specifics for How to report Full Text Linking and Availability Problems.
Have a clear e-resource metadata issue?  You may want to report specific metadata issues to Ex Libris.  For example, if you see an incorrect issn/isbn in the Alma CZ you see titles that are missing (or are no longer available) in a full text collection, or the coverage for a title is incorrect, you can report these issues directly to Sales Support.

      2. Set Up Google Scholar

  • To publish electronic holdings to Google Scholar, you must configure the Publish electronic records to Google Scholar publishing profile and run it weekly to make sure that holdings information is accurate.  The document "Publishing electronic Holdings to Google Scholar" provides further details for setting up this profile.

      3. Set Up Institutional Electronic Holdings File

  • The publishing profile allows you to configure the settings used to generate the electronic holdings file that Primo Central uses to update the status indicators. This process should be run weekly to make sure that the holdings information is accurate. The document Publishing Electronic Holdings to Primo Central provides further details about this profile.

      4.  Back Up Files


Under consideration:  The Task Force would like to track IZ and NZ support cases.  We would like to have some sort of case log (available on the wiki?).   Possible workflows:

    1. For reporting NZ issues, use a Google form.  Can this be integrated into Alma?
    2. keep a log of open cases affecting NZ resources.  See ERM Known Issues
    3. keep a task force in place to discuss troubleshooting common to all CSU as we are doing now?
    4. Create a ULMS ER listserv [or continue using ULMS Tech Services list] as a means to communicate ER issues.  Or rely on Slack?

Procedures/Documentation in Alma


Supplemental Information

  1. Alma Resolver Augmentation
  2. What version of OpenURL protocol does Alma Support?
  3. How to confirm list of vendors to send services page URL when moving from SFX to Alma?
  4. What URL should be provided to vendors for the Alma ViewIt window link and the link resolver icon (AKA the Alma equivalent of the SFX OpenURL icon)?
  5. Base URL for the Services Page
  6. The Alma Link Resolver (video)
  7. Configuring the Link Resolver Plugin for checking EBSCOhost Full-Text URLs.
  8. Primo and Alma - The Alma Link Resolver
  9. Alma Link Resolver, OpenURL, GES, Citation Linker video
  10. How to Extract OpenURL from Primo, Alma, and other sources like Google Scholar
  11. Configuring the Primo Front End for Alma's Link Resolver
  12. Resolving Electronic Resources in the NZ
  13. Resolver Proxies
  14. Discovery Interface Display Logic
  15. Primo and Alma - Discovery interface display logic rules.pptx
  16. Discovery Interface Display Logic (Part 1)Discovery Interface Display Logic (Part 2video)
  17. Discovery Interface Display Logic: Ask the Expert
  18. Managing Display Logic Rules When Working with a Network Zone
  19. Discovery Interface Display Logic for Related Records.pptx
  20. Defining Display Logic Rules at the Campus Level
  21. Patron Purchase Request and Display Logic Rule
  22. Modifying Display Labels
  23. Displaying License Information (includes 5 minute video)
  24. Related records - Discovery Interface Display Logic for Related Records.pptx
  25. Primo and Alma - How to hide resource sharing request when there is a holding but no item
  26. General Electronic Services & Display Logic Rules documentation and video from Orbis Cascade Alliance
  27. Adding a General Electronic Service
  28. How to hide the Resource Sharing Request general electronic service and display an alternative GES for articles
  29. Why is a recently added GES not displaying?
  30. How to create a "Report a Problem" link to be included in the "Get It" or "View It" menus, including the OpenURL?
  31. How to format a URL in a General Electronic Services (GES) which will send an email?
  32. View It is limited for 25 Resources
  33. How to Report Linking Problems to Ex Libris
  34. Configuring CRM contacts
  35. Troubleshooting Toolkit (U of Minnesota paper presented at ELUNA 2016 conference)
  36. Publishing Electronic Holdings to Google Scholar
  37. Publishing Electronic Holdings to Primo Central
  38. SFX Target and Alma E-Collections Configuration Guide

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Articulate the need for the policy (background)

Christine Holmes


8/23/2016- ERM Task Force discussed the ERM policy and procedures outline and assign a policy to a task force member. Jessica assigned the policy and procedures for shared resources in Alma.

Draft for Shared Resources due September 30th. Send draft to Tech Service Working Group Leads

Rough Draft for Shared Resource policies and procedures

Christine Holmes


Rough draft

ERM Task Force meet to discuss rough draft of policies and see if there is any feedback from the Working Group Leads


 ERM Task Force met to discuss policies and procedures

Send rough drafts of policies to Tech Services-discuss policies in Open Forum. Ask for feedback from working group.


 Link to Drafts were sent out to the Tech Services Working Group

ERM Task Force will go over the feedback received from the ULMS IMP Team and the Tech Services Working Group. Meet with other TS Working Groups to discuss overlap of policies and procedures. ERM Task Force will meet  

Final "live" Draft for Shared Resources is due


Final drafts for policies is December 9th. All policies for all task forces are due this date.
ERM Task Force meet to discuss final drafts of polices and see if any feedback from the Working Group Leads


Tasks to be completed


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