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John Wenzler ANGEL PICHARDO (Unlicensed) Mark Braden (Unlicensed) brandon dudley (Unlicensed) David Walker Gabriel Gardner (Unlicensed) Jamie Lamberti (Unlicensed) Kate Holvoet (Unlicensed) Laura Krier (Unlicensed) Mike DeMars (Unlicensed) Nerissa Lindsey Natalya Magazino (Unlicensed) Adriana Popescu Chris Lee

Discussion topics

brandon dudley (Unlicensed)





1:00-1:15CSU+ Again20

Gathering ILL Statistics


Committee Reports


Assessment & Analytics

  • Went sent out a message to COLD regarding usage data irregularities we expect campuses to see when reporting for ACRL this year.

  • We are in the process of reviewing the shared ACRL reports and will be sending out suggestions about their use to the Analytics listserv soon.

  • We are looking at ways to evaluate usage data gathering practices across campuses and will hopefully have some recommendations to make comparisons across campuses more meaningful.


The Discovery Functional Committee met on November 20th to discuss current action items and Primo VE testing plan development. Notes are available here: 2020-11-20 Functional Committee Meeting notes  *Draft* plans are described or linked at the note page.

 The DFC is compiling a list of each campus’ Primo administrator; names are listed on the CSU Primo Instances page: CSU Primo Instances  Campus Primo administrators should look for correspondence from the DFC regarding VE testing instructions in the future. The DFC is developing the testing plan and will disseminate testing instructions; each campus Primo administrator will execute tests and report back via web forms.

 All extant documentation about the Go VE process has been collected on this page, courtesy of Christine Holmes: Primo VE Documentation  People who are interested in the process and want to learn more are encouraged to watch ‘Introduction to Primo VE’ and ‘Go VE: Learn about the New Self-Switch Process and Adopt Primo VE’ then explore other videos if they want further details.

 There will be a Discovery Functional Committee meeting on Jan. 15th. We will iron out final details in the VE analysis testing plans and disseminate the testing plan documentation and forms to the campuses shortly thereafter.

 The next Open Forum will be scheduled for either Jan 22 or Jan 29 (exact date TBD).

 If anyone at any campus has questions about the front-end analysis of Primo VE, they are encouraged to contact DFC chair Gabriel Gardner or vice chair Christian Ward.

Resource Sharing

  • At least 5 campuses have suspended CSU+ as a result of stay at home order.

  • Updated and distributed CSU+ Recommendations for Operations During Holiday Closures page on wiki.

  • Decided to temporarily eliminate CSU+ request expiration last two weeks of December in order to prevent requests placed over the break from expiring and being cancelled.

  • Looking into if there is a better solution for providing CSU+ requesting to CalState Walk-in users. Since Walk-in users cannot place requests in Primo, the current solution is for resource sharing staff to place requests manually. This would require each campus to develop some type of separate mechanism for accepting requests from Walk-in users (e.g. send email, separate form) which is not ideal.

  • Also looking into November and December resource sharing related enhancements to see if any should be utilized.

Resource Management

  • The Authority Control Task Force pursues its task, 5 members currently. Soliciting interest by folk to join and become the 6th member. Time commitment: calls for approx. 3 hours weekly (+ or -)

  • NO DEDUP – building a policy with helpful examples to shape use of the field that prevents merge of a bibliographic record

  • Norm Rule Survey went to Discovery and Technical Services email groups

o   Responses were from individuals, not Libraries

o   Knowledge and use of Norm Rules in Alma and Primo is present in a few dozen people

o   Survey response available if you’re interested—contact Mark Braden

  • Content Notes/Warnings (a.k.a. “Trigger Warnings”) – Committee continues to discuss

  • RDA Toolkit changes—Affirmed following PCC practice (defer full use until 2022).

    John Wenzler

    COLD Delegated to ULMS Steering to determine extended due dates for CSU+. The committee decided to give all CSU campuses permission to extend CSU+ due dates through June 15, 2021. Every campus will continue to be able to establish its own due dates for local items held by local patrons. If staff have questions about the details or how to implement them, the ULMS Fulfillment Committee and the ULMS Resource Sharing Committee along with Chris Lee, our new Resource Sharing Manager at the CO can provide assistance.


    ICPSR Records and other records to be added to NZ

    We need a policy to provide guidance on what can be added to NZ and how. A working group consisting of Brandon, Mark, Kate and Nerissa has been created to work on a policy for assessing collections of records. The technical implementation can be handled, but assessment policy is the first step that needs to be addressed.


    ULMS Satisfaction Survey

    brandon dudley (Unlicensed)

    View file
    nameULMS Survey Responses - Ex Libris 2020.docx

    Email Brandon any additional input. In the spirit of transparency, the full report will all details will be shared widely.


    ULMS Meeting

    John Wenzler

    There was a lot of discussion about paloozas at COLD. Do we want a ULMS meeting?


    ULMS/STIM Collaboration

    Mike DeMars (Unlicensed)

    Mike DeMars appointed as liaison to STIM, since we don’t have a systems functional committee and there are many projects that overlap between STIM and ULMS.

    Chris Lee

    It would be helpful for Chris Lee to have access to: OCLC web portal (IFM and general usage totals), ILLiad web portal (who we borrow and lend to outside the CSU), and Rapid web portals (RapidILL usage) for each CSU library; the reports accessed through these portals would not include any patron data. Allowing access to Chris would streamline the process to collect data that would then be used to quickly prepare and deliver reports to COLD such as cost assessment and general ILL data. It would also reduce the time that local staff would spend on facilitating this access for Chris. The ULMS Steering Committee has no concerns about this request and supports it.


    CSU+ Status Update

    Natalya Magazino (Unlicensed)

    Not too much to update, since we are just back from the holiday break. Following the stay at home order, some libraries stopped services.


    COLD Report

    John Wenzler

    • See December notes re: Network Zone Records; contract renewal; feasibility of planning and holding a summer meeting (virtual)

    • There is renewed interest in the Deans' Tableau dashboard (CSULA offer to help)


    CO Report

    brandon dudley (Unlicensed)

    • Kick off meeting for Primo VE evaluation to review the ExL process to be held on Jan. 11, 2021. Evaluation to span spring semester when regular held meetings with a wider group (Discovery and Resource Management groups) will take place. With regards to our ExL contract negotiations, Brandon prepared an audit report that shows that we are currently 44 named users and almost 600k bib records over our contracted maximums. We have a number of options to address the number of named users; with regards to the bib records, we can look at a number of options. Last year ExL increased our number of bib records at no cost.

    • We have been approached by a several networks external to CSU expressing interest in joining CSU+; we will start these conversation with COLD and the ULMS Steering Committee in spring.

    1:50 -

    Updates / Open Forum


    • Discovery: focus on Primo VE evaluation - quantitative and qualitative data will be collected in four distinct areas

    • Resource Sharing: will revisit the Alma processes for walk-in users

    • Fulfillment: the group went through recent changes in membership; looking a what campuses need when reopening for public service; will update the spreadsheet showing status of openings; will review repopulation processes and requirement to ensure safe reopening (stacks access? barriers at front desks?)

    • Analytics: working on an overlap analysis with ERM; looking at ACRL reports; follow up with data visualization task force

    • Acquisitions: discussing ACRL reports and collection budgets

    • ERM: will participate in the Primo VE testing; new wiki page on CDI Information Tips and Trick created CDI Information, Tips, and Tricks

    • RM: Draft in-process for a Policy about use of NO_DEDUP code (to prevent merge with other versions of the same work); Anticipating the excitement of VE, Drools and other features during the winter/spring test/evaluation; Will identify people interested to study the issue of Content Notes and Warnings in record clusters to use in OneSearch record displays (e.g., ‘this material shows images of lynching African Americans’—some would be understood by many, but other phrases may not); Studying the use of Local Note fields for collection-management retention commitments and other forms of local practice. Example: Collection management search for a Library’s SCELC or WEST decisions—OneSearch can be searched, the results will include all CSU Libraries, and the note may not be visible in OneSearch. “Local Notes” refers to a group of MARC Fields that are indexed in CSU OneSearch, the Libraries use these fields for various purposes.

    • STIM liaison: will participate and help with Primo VE testing

    • Vice-chair: will participate in ExL negotiation discussions and meetings

    Action items

